“Making people great doesn’t mean treating them the way they want to be treated. It means treating them so that they develop.”

Boris Grundl

Please also visit our nursing school
ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

State-certified nursing assistant

Thomas Klein in the dining room of the Diakonie “Dr. Stephan Kastenbauer-Haus” in caring for residents

Facts that speak for it

Learn at the ISE technical school for geriatric care and general education gGmbH in Amberg and become a state-certified nursing assistant (m/f)! You can only benefit in this professional field, because the fact is that Germany is getting older. However, compared to the further training to become a nursing specialist, which the technical school also offers, you have a significantly shorter learning time.

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ISE offers new professional perspectives

Private vocational school for geriatric care and geriatric care assistance from ISE GmbH in Amberg educates

to become a state-recognized geriatric nurse
Duration of training 3 years, starting September 1st, 2011
to become a state-recognized nursing assistant/assistant in geriatric care

Duration of training 1 year, starting September 14, 2011

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