“You often see something a hundred times, a thousand times, before you really see it for the very first time.”

Christian Morgenstern

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ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Warehouse logistics graduates are happy about the booming economy

The graduates of the warehouse logistics specialist and warehouse clerk retraining can talk to ISE managing director Peter Blendowski (1st from left) and team leader of the employment agency Manuela Luber (2nd person from right) about their good performance in the IHK final examinations and about look forward to good career prospects.

On the mountain. (usc) The jobs of warehouse logistics specialist or warehouse clerk are no longer a male domain. Current evidence of this came from four women who successfully underwent training for this together with seven men. As a reward for their commitment, they were now able to receive their certificates after two years or 18 months of schooling.

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Foundation built for their lives

German teacher Gabriele Stucke (front left) congratulates Wlodzimierz Marszeniuk, the best in the course, in the presence (behind from left) of ISE managing director Peter Blendowski, Erwin Rohrer from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, Edgar Schott, head of the immigration office of the city of Amberg, Gertraud Mertel, head of the immigration office at the district office, Olga Mirz from the Amberg-Sulzbach job center and Karolin Mycka, who achieved the next best exam result. Image: Uschald

On the mountain. (usc) “By taking part in the integration course with the goal B1, you have built the foundation for your life in Germany.” This is how ISE managing director Peter Blendowski described the certificate that 17 of 24 participants from ten nations acquired at the vocational training institute. Four achieved knowledge level A2 below.

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Good opportunities in the nursing sector

Amberg (usc). For 15 men and women, the certificate that they had completed the course to become a nursing assistant or carer for people with dementia was probably the best Christmas present they could give themselves. They had almost nine months of cramming so that they could face new professional challenges after their qualification course at the ISE language and vocational training center in Amberg.

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