“Before you give up, remember why you started.”

Author unknown

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ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Super LCCI (IHK London) exam results

At the end of April, the 11 participants in the “Business English with LCCI certification and IT knowledge transfer” course in Amberg were able to receive their certificates from the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) - rightly with pride, because all of them achieved either the grade “Pass with Distinction “ or “Pass with Merit”, i.e. grade 1 or 2.

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Focus on work – a successful and wonderful time – thanks to everyone!

The “Focus Career” course (Course 1) took place in this form for the first time from July 2nd, 2012 to April 10th, 2013. During this course, the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center had a wide range of course content available for the participants: from teaching general education, basic and specialist knowledge for the job, key qualifications, communication skills to teaching IT topics. Some participants describe their impressions as follows:

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Education voucher

bgHolders of an education voucher can continue their education free of charge at ISE. Please note the general conditions applicable to education vouchers:

Since January 1, 2003, new legal regulations (First and Second Law for Modern Services on the Labor Market) to promote further vocational training provide that employees can receive an education voucher if they meet the relevant requirements for further training and further education.

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Computer course with ECDL, Linux and network technology

The ICDL/ECDL belongs in every application folder

The ICDL/ECDL (International/European Computer Driving License) is an international certification program that certifies in-depth knowledge and skills in the use of the most important computer applications. It is recognized worldwide as the benchmark for computer literacy and is currently implemented in 148 countries. Governments, international organizations (e.g. UNESCO), schools and universities as well as numerous large companies require or support ICDL/ECDL certification of their employees. They recognize that a uniform and internationally validated educational standard based on practical requirements ensures the quality of the training and is motivating for the participants.

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MS Office in modules with ECDL

The European Computer Driving License ECDL (European Computer Driving License) is a user certificate as proof of comprehensive practical computer knowledge. Large multinational companies (such as ABB, Volvo, Tetra Pak, Siemens, Unilever) and scientific institutions such as the Free University of Berlin have introduced this standard for their employees. The ECDL is now recognized in more than 145 countries. Therefore the name has changed to International Computer Driving License ICDL (International Computer Driving License). Both terms – ECDL and ICDL – are used interchangeably.

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