Amberg (usc). For 15 men and women, the certificate that they had completed the course to become a nursing assistant or carer for people with dementia was probably the best Christmas present they could give themselves. They had almost nine months of cramming so that they could face new professional challenges after their qualification course at the ISE language and vocational training center in Amberg.
Educational Alliance – Strong together into the future
Retrain? I recommend ISE!
I would recommend retraining at ISE Sprach- und Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH to everyone, as the high-quality teaching gives me the best possible conditions for a good professional qualification at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Ten friends
I recommend the retraining as “Freight Forwarding and Logistics Services Clerk” at ISE to ten friends because I associate this career change with real prospects (friend 1). Because it will enable me to get a business degree (friend 2). Because I can implement my interest in technology (Friend 3) and combine it with my commercial professional experience (Friend 4).