“Life begins outside your comfort zone.”

Neale Donald Walsch

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ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Imparting knowledge of automotive technology

Erstmalig führt das ISE Sprach- und Berufsbildungszentrum in Kooperation mit der Maxhütte Technologie GmbH & Co. KG eine Kenntnisvermittlung in der Kfz-Technik in Sulzbach-Rosenberg durch. Die Bildungsmaßnahme ist speziell auf den Personenkreis der Flüchtlinge und Migranten konzipiert. Im Rahmen der Maßnahme kann jeder Teilnehmer grundlegende Sprachkenntnisse im berufsbezogenen Deutsch erwerben und sich einen soliden Grundwortschaft in der Kfz-Branche aneignen. Praktische Unterweisungen werden in einer Kfz-Werkstätte durchgeführt werden.

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Want more joy in life? Advice – support – support

The ISE Language and Vocational Training Center is now offering a coaching measure to compensate for imbalances in individual life situations. A personal coach from ISE will provide you with psychosocial advice, support and support in dealing with personal life situations and other relevant obstacles. Registration – if you belong to the eligible group of people – is initially done via your employment agent or case manager at the job center. In this case you will not incur any costs. In total, the accompanying care can be used for three or six months. You will find that you can get many problems under control through strategic action and competent coaching - this increases motivation and joy in life, and new and perhaps long-awaited goals are now within reach.

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Activation and mediation with intensive support

The “Activation and Placement with Intensive Support” measure, which the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center has been successfully implementing since April 1, 2015 in collaboration with the AM-AS job center in Amberg and Sulzbach-Rosenberg, supports unemployed people in their job search through intensive support. The goal of professional integration is pursued through placement support. The ISE language and vocational training centers have now been able to help numerous course participants find suitable jobs and improve their career prospects.

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Use short-time work for further training

Chance für ÄltereShort-time work

The number of companies that are on short-time work is very high throughout Germany. This is also the case in the Upper Palatinate. The government launched this instrument together with the Federal Employment Agency to prevent large-scale waves of layoffs in order to preserve jobs. Unfortunately, this plan does not work for all companies, as the layoffs at Amberger Grammer AG and BHS in Weiherhammer show. The Federal Employment Agency has faced the economic crisis and is supporting companies

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Integration course metalworking and language support for asylum seekers and foreigners

For the first time, the Maxhütte Technologie vocational training center launched the integration course “Metalworking and language support for asylum seekers and foreigners” in cooperation with the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center and the Employment Agency in September 2016. On the site of the former Maxhütte, young refugees learn the basics of metalworking. The aim is to introduce young asylum seekers and refugees to professional life. Over ten months, the participants alternate between job-related language lessons and metalworking. Every day, the young people first learn the German language in the morning, followed by practical lessons in the MH main workshop in the afternoon. In a company internship for two months, the participants can then put the specialist knowledge they have learned into practice and make contacts with employers. The young refugees from the Amberg-Sulzbach district and the city of Amberg will also continue to develop their social skills during the 12 months.

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Elasto form KG opens its doors to ISE course participants

Elasto form KG shows interested ISE training participants its production secrets – ISE retrainees and participants explore promotional products and advertising materials manufacturer Elastoform

Sulzbach-Rosenberg. Für 15 Teilnehmer der neuen Umschulung im Ausbildungsberuf Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik in Amberg und des Aktivierungslehrgangs O&A in Sulzbach-Rosenberg gestaltete sich der Unterrichtstag am Dienstag, 07.10.2014 sehr abwechslungs- und lehrreich. Gut gelaunt unter milden Herbsttemperaturen brachen die Umschüler und Kursteilnehmer unter Begleitung des ISE-Arbeitsvermittlers und –Praktikumsbetreuers Helmut Albrecht zur Betriebsbesichtigung bei der Firma elasto form KG in Sulzbach-Rosenberg (Kauerhof) auf. Die Besucher der Betriebserkundung konnten sich über das Fertigungsverfahren, die logistischen Abläufe und den kompletten „Work flow“ des hiesigen Werbeartikelherstellers sehr detailliert informieren – keine Frage blieb unbeantwortet.

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