“It is not enough to speak to the matter. You have to speak to people.”

Stanislaw Jerzy Lec

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ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Specialist in accounting with SAP ERP Financials

SAP software is being used successfully in more and more companies. Get to know the versatility of this software.

Every year, the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center Amberg conducts the qualification in cooperation with the renowned Nuremberg cooperation partner CDT Control Data Training GmbH Specialist in accounting with SAP ERP Financials through.
Participants receive extensive specialist knowledge of accounting for the use of SAP. Many helpful tricks for complex software are shown. Such a qualification with SAP certification adds enormous value to the profile of every job seeker.

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The ISE job market

How current are the job offers?

You can tell when a position was advertised by the publication date. As long as the position can still be found in the ISE job market, the ISE employment agencies have no information that the position has already been filled. No liability is assumed for occasional overlaps. Once a position has been filled, it will be removed from the job market.

Why are the job offers anonymous?

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We are proud of our participants: IHK London exam with distinction / passed very well

We are proud of our participants: Passed LCCI exam with Distinction / Credit

The course participants of the business English course with LCCI certification, which took place from September 2011 to January 2012 at the ISE language and vocational training center in Amberg, were now delighted to receive their LCCI certificates from London - everyone got it with flying colors, i.e. with a grade of 1 or 2 , passed.

Not only course leader Christa Shafi was very pleased with this excellent achievement, Peter Blendowski, managing director of the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center, also congratulated the graduates with the words: “You can be truly proud of this result. Although this is not a guarantee of a job, your chances on the job market have significantly improved, because sound English skills are urgently needed in business.”

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Always on the ball with ISE

Use new perspectives – retrain as a warehouse logistics specialist

Mr. Helmut Scharf is a participant in the current retraining as a warehouse logistics specialist with an IHK degree at the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center in Amberg. In this article, Mr. Scharf writes about his experiences at ISE and in class.

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ISE application guide – the application photo

ISE application guide

The person you are talking to wants to know who you are. Of course, this also applies to the ISE employment agencies. As with most personnel decision-makers, ISE's employment agents also look at the external appearance of your application folder first. As a rule, the second look is at your application photo. Make sure you have a good, professionally taken photo because

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