“Some people use their intelligence to simplify, some to complicate.”

Erich Kaestner

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Opportunity for older people

Chance für ÄltereModular measure to impart specialist skills and professional qualifications

Already for the second time (starting on 11.11.2013) The ISE Language and Vocational Training Center is launching the modular measure “Opportunity for Older People” to impart specialist skills and professional qualifications. During the measure, internships and application training increase the chances of starting a career. The ISE team also supports the participants in their job search during the measure.

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Confident appearance without arrogance and pathos – offer for companies and private individuals

Awakening interest and being convincing through naturalness – these are requirements that every person more or less consciously places on their communication partners. But what happens when nervousness, a monotone or strained voice, a speech or language impediment make listening difficult and distract from what is important?

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Soft skills – increasingly important in business – fit through seminars from ISE

Speaking is part of everyday life

Do you want to pursue a career or work your way up in your career?

Many employees have sufficient or very good specialist knowledge, but their social skills are rather poor. Soft skills or key social qualifications are becoming increasingly important in business, especially when there are management positions with personnel responsibility to be filled or when teamwork is involved. Weak self-confidence, insecurities when conducting conversations and negotiations, insecure demeanor or feelings of inferiority are often the real reasons why you don't get a well-paid position or why you don't make any progress in your career.

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