“It is not enough to speak to the matter. You have to speak to people.”

Stanislaw Jerzy Lec

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ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

ISE – The CV

The core

The CV is the heart of your application. It is particularly important to ensure that there are no time gaps in your CV. The ISE employment agents look closely at the data and information provided to them in a CV. Of course, employers and HR consultants do the same. Time gaps in your resume will be yours

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ISE employment agency on the external form of application documents

The ISE employment agents deal with applicants and their application documents every day. The application documents are often inadequate and contain mistakes that simply shouldn't happen. “The impact of these errors is often serious. The ISE employment agents are in close contact with employers and often receive first-hand information. A personnel decision maker or employer gets their first impression of a potential employee from the application documents.

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