“You never win alone. The day you believe otherwise, you start losing.”

Mika Pauli Häkkinen

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ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Grammer likes ISE

The ISE Sprach- und Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH in conversation with Mr. Patrick Moser, head of international personnel development and head of overall training at Grammer AG. Grammer AG has been one of ISE's corporate customers in the area of ​​language courses for many years.

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Common european reference framework

The ISE Sprach- und Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH has been successfully running language courses for German as a foreign language for 20 years. Of course, the Common European Framework of Reference also applies. The Common European Framework of Reference was developed at the suggestion of the Council of Europe and aims to:

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Employee motivation analysis

Motivated employees are the key to success! A central question that you as an employer should ask yourself is: What motivates my employees to perform? Masslow's hierarchy of needs and Freud's views on how sexuality motivates people to achieve are milestones in the study of motivation. However, there is now new research into what motivates a person. Based on the theory of the 16 life motives according to Steven Reiss, this seminar analyzes what motivates your employees and what motivates you.

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Innovations in integration courses from July 1, 2009

Innovations in integration course examinations from July 1, 2009

multikulti-deutschThe ISE integration course participants benefit even more from the experience of the ISE language teachers through a change in examinations for integration courses. Immigrants have been our customers for 20 years. With this experience, the ISE German teachers can prepare course participants even more effectively for the final exams of integration courses.

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Asked Mr. Herwig – Federal Office for Migration and Refugees

“The BAMF does not run any courses itself, but rather has selected qualified educational institutions for this task through a strict approval process.”
Jens Herwig, regional coordinator from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees

Mr. Herwig, regional coordinator of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, speaks in an interview with ISE about integration courses, the BAMF and funding opportunities for graduates.

ISE: What is the BAMF?
Mr. Herwig:
BAMF stands for

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