“Life is a puzzle; you have to solve it in order to experience many facets of it.”

Pascal Hilgendorf

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ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Retraining: Two years of studying will be worth it

Not only the graduates (front row), but also the lecturers and ISE managing directors (back row) as well as IHK managing director Johann Schmalzl (back right) and the employment placement team leader at the Amberg agency were happy about the successful completion of the retraining measure to become warehouse logistics specialists for work, Stefanie Bauer (front right). Image: Uschald

On the mountain. (usc) With a good deal of perseverance, six men and two women with the certificate “Skilled in Warehouse Logistics” acquired the “driving license for a second professional life”. They went to school at the ISE educational institute for two years with financial support from the employment agency. Your hard work has paid off because the career opportunities that have now opened up are very good.

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