“Enthusiasm is good fuel, but unfortunately it burns out too quickly.”

Albert Schweitzer

Please also visit our nursing school
ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Training measure with qualification and intensive support

The ISE language and vocational training center is currently carrying out a training measure with qualification and intensive support for customers of the Amberg-Sulzbach job center in cooperation with the Regional Education Center (RBZ) of the Eckert Schools. The course offers a fairly broad repertoire from application coaching to various IT topics. Technical and social-educational support takes place throughout the entire duration of the measure. It is possible to start the measure on an ongoing basis.

The ISE language and vocational training center and Eckert schools have set themselves the goal of supporting participants in finding jobs and apprenticeships. In the past, the efforts have paid off - several course participants have already been able to take up employment subject to social security contributions.

The ISE also carries out training measures with qualifications and intensive support for customers of the Amberg and Sulzbach-Rosenberg employment agencies.

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Coming into the country – learning the language – becoming a native

Ins Land kommmen
Slearn language
Ebecome native

This is what the ISE integration courses have stood for for 21 years.

The first “German language course” started in the Rotkreuzhaus in Amberg in 1989. Over time, the ISE has accompanied more than 8,000 new citizens from many countries around the world on their first steps in Germany.
Before the introduction of the Immigration Act in 2005, the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) used a strict approval process to select qualified educational providers to run integration courses. ISE’s application was successful – and its work still is. The 28th course started in January.

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Nursing assistant and housekeeping. Helper

Pflegehelfer und hauswirtschaftlicher Helfer/in
Source: S. Hofschlaeger / pixelio.de

Nursing assistants with additional training - carers in accordance with Section 87 b Paragraph 3 SGB XI

People in need of care with dementia-related impairments, mental illnesses or intellectual disabilities usually have a significant general need for supervision and care. The legal regulation is intended to create the financial basis for hiring additional staff in fully inpatient care facilities. For many job seekers, this opens up a new opportunity to find a job that is subject to social security contributions.

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Recently, 17 women and men were proud to receive their participation certificates from the ISE Sprach- und Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH. Since then, you have been a qualified helper in geriatric care and housekeeping, as well as a carer in accordance with Section 87b SGB XI. The following closing speech by a course participant briefly and clearly describes how the course participants experienced the training.

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Ten friends

I recommend the retraining as “Freight Forwarding and Logistics Services Clerk” at ISE to ten friends because I associate this career change with real prospects (friend 1). Because it will enable me to get a business degree (friend 2). Because I can implement my interest in technology (Friend 3) and combine it with my commercial professional experience (Friend 4).

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Anonymous application

Application documents up to date?
The move to legally require anonymous applications is of course not only met with happy sentiments. Many HR managers discuss the effects and practical implementation of anonymous applications. In the ISE private employment agency, interested job seekers also ask the employment agencies crucial questions: How should an anonymous application be meaningful? What else should be included in the application documents in the future? Does that even make sense because: couldn't an applicant also become a victim of discrimination in a job interview? Questions upon questions that a few large German companies are trying to answer by voluntarily taking part in a pilot test. Unfortunately, a statement from these companies is not yet available. You can be excited.

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