“You often see something a hundred times, a thousand times, before you really see it for the very first time.”

Christian Morgenstern

Please also visit our nursing school
ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

MISSION STATEMENT of the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center

As our customer, you are primarily a participant in an educational measure. In this context, with us you will find an educational institution in which qualified lecturers impart the relevant knowledge in an atmosphere that is conducive to learning, according to your educational needs. Depending on the course, this knowledge will create the opportunity to successfully complete a professional qualification or a corresponding certificate or to generally improve your chances on the job market.

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Return to working life with perseverance

The participants in the training to become nursing assistants can be happy about their good results.

On the mountain. (usc) The European Social Fund (ESF) also supports measures for reintegration into the labor market in Amberg. This currently happened for a qualification measure to become a nursing assistant at the ISE language and education center in Amberg. 13 women and five men went to school for nine months. After successfully completing the course, you now have very good career prospects.

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Qualification in nursing and housekeeping

Counteracting the impending nursing shortage – enormous job opportunities!

Pflegehelfer und hauswirtschaftlicher Helfer/in
Source: S. Hofschlaeger / pixelio.de

Market-oriented thinking implies future-oriented action. Projections and forecasts predict an unprecedented nursing shortage in the coming decades. If one also takes into account the demographic development in Germany, there is an urgent need for action!

As a result, it is urgently necessary to recruit enough qualified helpers in the areas of geriatric care, services and volunteer work for the next 20 - 25 years.

Trained, volunteer helpers should not be in short supply. They will be needed more than ever in the future and may be able to use this route to get into a job subject to social insurance contributions on the primary labor market.

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State-certified nursing assistant

Thomas Klein in the dining room of the Diakonie “Dr. Stephan Kastenbauer-Haus” in caring for residents

Facts that speak for it

Learn at the ISE technical school for geriatric care and general education gGmbH in Amberg and become a state-certified nursing assistant (m/f)! You can only benefit in this professional field, because the fact is that Germany is getting older. However, compared to the further training to become a nursing specialist, which the technical school also offers, you have a significantly shorter learning time.

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Retraining to become a personnel services clerk (IHK)

A job with a future

The relatively young profession of personnel services clerk (PDLK) is now enjoying great acceptance. Personnel services clerks are primarily employed in temporary employment agencies/employee leasing, where they procure staff for their clients. In addition, of course, they coordinate the deployment of personnel and try to acquire new orders and look after customers well. In addition, there are also career opportunities for personnel services clerks in the human resources departments of larger companies.

The ISE language and vocational training center is offering retraining in this training occupation for the first time in autumn 2013.

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English in business and administration

English is becoming increasingly important at work

Qualified Language competence

Qualified language skills are one of the most important success factors for employees in internationally operating companies. General language skills are very helpful in everyday business life, but technically sound vocabulary and expressive skills in business English are often required. Here it is important to handle telephone calls, emails, letters, presentations, meetings and discussions with confidence.

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