“Heaven is wherever you are, and that’s where you need to practice.”

Morihei Ueshiba

Please also visit our nursing school
ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Successful across the board – awarding of certificate for SAP R/3 clerk

A very happy event, especially in view of the predominantly excellent examination results, was the awarding of the final certificates in the “SAP R/3 clerk” qualification, which was held in Amberg through the cooperation of the educational providers ISE Language and Vocational Training Center and CDT Nuremberg took place. During the approximately seven months (September 10, 2012 - April 9, 2013), the participants were trained very intensively in the disciplines of accounting, IT and especially SAP. With the coveted SAP user certificate and the ISE/CDT certificate, participants receive further proof of qualification for their application documents. Some participants have now received a job offer.

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Basic communication course for teachers

Speaking is part of a teacher’s everyday life

Short description

A teacher's professional performance depends on his or her ability to talk and speak. The voice is his most important instrument. It is worth thinking that a considerable number of young teachers are unable to work after just six months of professional practice due to voice problems.

The aim of the courses is to raise awareness of the voice as a working tool and to improve teachers' general speaking skills and to actively support them in developing their communicative skills.

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Speech and presentation training

Short description:

The ability to speak and present are important prerequisites during training, at work, or for professional or scientific qualifications.
Only those who present content in an understandable and interesting way will be convincing and leave a lasting impression.
In this training you will be taught both rhetorical and technical skills and abilities for a convincing and strong appearance.

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Public speaking and teaching

Short description:

For many professional groups, the permanent ability to talk and speak is a prerequisite for professional performance. A self-confident and authentic appearance helps you to convince your audience to support your cause.
But what makes a confident, authentic appearance? How do I secure the attention of my listeners and convince them of the content of my speeches?

During training or further education, you will learn the speaking and rhetorical basics of presenting. Using a topic you are familiar with and a presentation you have already prepared, we will show you ways to optimize your appearance. A team of qualified and experienced communication specialists will give you clear feedback and, if necessary, support you beyond the training period.

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The difficult doctor/therapist-patient conversation

Short description

This course is intended as an advanced course for doctors and medical staff.
What are the reasons for unsuccessful conversations between doctor and patient or therapist and patient? How do you deal with difficult situations and resolve them to mutual satisfaction? A team of speech scientists, actors and doctors supports you in optimizing your conversation behavior.

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Conversation training – communication course for foreign-speaking medical staff

Short description

This course is primarily aimed at foreign-speaking doctors and medical staff who are not fluent in the German language. Building on a job-related intensive German course, knowledge of doctor/therapist-patient communication is imparted. Cultural influences and intercultural differences in communication are discussed in detail.

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Our administration has moved to Kaiser-Ludwig-Ring 9

In order to provide our customers with an even better service in the area of ​​training, further education and training, we have expanded and positioned our premises near the train station.

In order to be able to offer all services “from a single source”, we have our language and vocational training center on site

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Integration course participants were successful

There was also reason to be happy at the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center on Friday, February 8th, 2013: The course participants were presented with certificates for the successful completion of the integration course in Amberg. The German language course began on May 29, 2012 and was successfully completed on January 10, 2013 with the orientation course on the topic of Germany.

Managing director Peter Blendowski from the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center congratulated the course participants on their good results. The aim of the course, namely to prepare immigrants to participate equally in life in Germany, was achieved. Mr. Rohrer from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees pointed out that only good language skills can ensure success on the job market.

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