“Life begins outside your comfort zone.”

Neale Donald Walsch

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ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Nursing assistants continue to be in demand in practice

On the mountain. (usc) The European Social Fund (ESF) provides significant resources for measures to reintegrate people into the labor market. This is currently being done for a qualification measure to become a nursing assistant at the ISE Language and Education Center in Amberg. 20 women and men go to school for nine months. There are very good career prospects.

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Migration and integration are showing success

Rapid integration of refugees and other newcomers not only into a culture that is previously unknown to them, but also into employment subject to social insurance is a major task that still needs to be accomplished. There are already initial reports of success. They come from the job center and the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center Amberg.

On the mountain. (usc) Analou Blank from the Philippines, Maia Tabutsadze from Georgia, Shiva Khalli from Iran, Muthana Al Odat and Mohammad Mousa, both from Syria, are essentially “model students” from ISE opposite the Amberg job center. There you will attend a measure to impart specialist skills and professional qualifications in the industrial and commercial sectors. “You all already have an employment contract or training contract,” says ISE Managing Director Peter Blendowski happily.

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Focus on career and work in the fast lane

The job-related measure to impart specialist skills and professional qualifications in the industrial, commercial and nursing areas 'Focus on Career and Work' ended on February 25, 2016. The measure is designed for employable but unemployed men and women with a migration background and took place on the premises of the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center in Amberg. Especially for this group of people, we know that support for integration into society and the labor market is urgently needed due to intercultural problems. The extensive individual support and the intensive efforts in finding employment for the participants by the ISE are showing success.

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Successful integration work at ISE

On the mountain. (usc) Rapid linguistic and professional integration of refugees from unsafe countries of origin, but also of EU citizens who have moved here and recognized asylum seekers, is a task that the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center has set itself the goal of, as an important partner of job centers, employment agencies and Federal Office for Migration and Refugees. Current educational measures are already showing success. From two courses, 13 of 27 participants found employment during the course.

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Driving license for the second professional life

On the mountain. (usc). The recognition for excellent training at the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center came from a competent source. “I am used to good and very good exam results being achieved at the ISE. It’s great that we have this facility,” emphasized Karl-Heinz Lex, training advisor at the IHK Regensburg for commercial professions, when handing out certificates to eight retrainees. After two years of retraining, you received recognition as a warehouse logistics specialist at the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center.

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Language is key to social participation

Once again - namely on Friday, July 24th, 2015 - there was reason to be happy at the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center in Amberg. After many arduous weeks and months, the participants in the integration course were able to receive their certificates of successful completion. The course started on October 20, 2014 in the ISE premises at Kaiser-Ludwig-Ring 9 in Amberg. On May 30, 2015, an important stage had already been reached with the successful completion of the orientation test on the topic of Germany.

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Carers celebrate course completion

On the mountain. (usc) The courses that the federal agency and job centers help to finance are based on the needs of the labor market. An important partner here is the ISE vocational school for geriatric care and geriatric care assistance. Here, 15 participants recently completed a course “Qualification as Caregivers in Nursing Homes” with great success. Even before the end of the course, eleven women had been accepted for employment in old people's and nursing homes in the region.

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More opportunities through networking in the education market

Education was and still is the key to professional success. Because all studies on the subject agree on one thing: those who have sound, generally recognized basic vocational training have a significantly better chance in today's job market. Unskilled workers are usually the first to be affected, for example when the economy slows down. Trained specialists also occupy permanent positions with a significantly higher frequency than people without a professional qualification. The latter often only get a chance to work through temporary employment.

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