On the mountain. (usc) 15 women and two men were able to receive the “Accounting Specialist CDT” certificate after a seven-month commercial qualification course.
On the mountain. (usc) 15 women and two men were able to receive the “Accounting Specialist CDT” certificate after a seven-month commercial qualification course.
On the mountain. (usc) Learning German at a higher level represents a high but surmountable hurdle for immigrants. This was evident in the “Job-related German language module B2” course at the ISE language and vocational training center. Despite the short training period, at least 14 people were able to achieve the desired qualification.
On the mountain. (usc) “By taking part in the integration course with the goal B1, you have built the foundation for your life in Germany.” This is how ISE managing director Peter Blendowski described the certificate that 17 of 24 participants from ten nations acquired at the vocational training institute. Four achieved knowledge level A2 below.
On the mountain. (usc) “We must not waste time unnecessarily in integrating refugees.” The head of the Amberg-Sulzbach job center, Sonja Schleicher, emphasized this during a visit to the ISE education center. A two-month bridging measure was run there to impart basic knowledge of German to predominantly young refugees.
Amberg (usc) “ISE offers the best guarantee for a solid education”. Franz Elsner attested to this on the last day of his professional life as head of the employment agency at the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center educational institution. 14 men successfully went to school for 18 months or two years to become warehouse clerks or warehouse logistics specialists.
Unsere Teilnehmer der derzeit laufenden Maßnahme Fokus „Beruf & Arbeit“ lernen das Leben und Arbeiten in Deutschland immer besser kennen. Derzeit befinden sich vier Teilnehmer im Praktikum. Drei Personen konnten wir bereits dazu verhelfen, eine Arbeitsstelle zu finden. Auch für die anderen Teilnehmer stehen die Chancen gut, Ihren beruflichen Wünschen ein großes Stück näher zu kommen.
With the qualification to become a nursing assistant for geriatric care, the fourth ESF project at the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center Amberg has now successfully ended in close cooperation with the AM-AS job center, which was financed, among other things, by the European Social Fund (ESF).
A very happy event, especially in view of the predominantly excellent examination results, was the awarding of the final certificates in the qualification “Accounting Specialist CDT with Business English”, which was held in Amberg through the cooperation of the educational providers ISE Language and Vocational Training Center and CDT Nuremberg at Kaiser-Ludwig -Ring 9 took place. During the commercial qualification, the participants were trained very intensively in the disciplines of accounting, IT and especially SAP.
For the first time, the Maxhütte Technologie vocational training center launched the integration course “Metalworking and language support for asylum seekers and foreigners” in cooperation with the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center and the Employment Agency in September 2016. On the site of the former Maxhütte, young refugees learn the basics of metalworking. The aim is to introduce young asylum seekers and refugees to professional life. Over ten months, the participants alternate between job-related language lessons and metalworking. Every day, the young people first learn the German language in the morning, followed by practical lessons in the MH main workshop in the afternoon. In a company internship for two months, the participants can then put the specialist knowledge they have learned into practice and make contacts with employers. The young refugees from the Amberg-Sulzbach district and the city of Amberg will also continue to develop their social skills during the 12 months.