The “Tackling instead of waiting” measure serves to impart expanded and in-depth professional qualifications and has been offered with great success for many years at the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center in Amberg at Kaiser-Ludwig-Ring 9. In addition to the important knowledge transfer, a company internship is planned. Our internal employment agents will support you during the course with both your internship and job search. You will also benefit from the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center's numerous contacts with companies and institutions.
Das A&O für Arbeitssuchende
Das ISE Sprach- und Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH bietet auch dieses Jahr allen interessierten förderungsfähigen Teilnehmern die Maßnahme “Das A&O für Arbeitsuchende” an. Die Teilnehmer können sich auf ein interessantes Lehrgangsangebot freuen mit Themen wie Orientierung, Aktivierung und EDV. Abschließend erfolgt ein Betriebspraktikum.
Home schooling – lessons take place in digital teaching format
Due to the current exceptional situation regarding the corona pandemic, face-to-face teaching is currently suspended in our educational institution. Like everywhere else in our country, this situation came to us at very short notice.
Currently, almost all of our participants are provided with teaching material via the in-house educational server of the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center in Amberg or via other media (e-mail, Skype, etc.).