“Success is going from one failure to the next without losing enthusiasm.”

Winston Churchill

Please also visit our nursing school
ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

A seven-month course “Focus – Career and Work” with three-month internships prepares people with a migration background for real life in Germany.

The men and women who moved here laid the foundation for rapid integration into the professional and social life of their host country in the “Focus – Career and Work” course at the ISE language and vocational training center. The representatives of the job center, Rainer Liermann (back left) and Ralf Doschat (front right), as well as the ISE teachers, congratulated on their successful participation. Image: Uschald

On the mountain. (usc) The course participants selected by the job center acquire basic, job-related German skills full-time at the ISE language and vocational training center and receive a basic qualification in the industrial, commercial and nursing sectors. The chances of placement are good, as was shown at the last course completion.

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“Don’t waste time unnecessarily during integration”

The head of the Amberg-Sulzbach job center, Sonja Schleicher (center), was surprised at the German language skills that the predominantly young course participants had already acquired while attending the class. Image: Uschald PR

On the mountain. (usc) “We must not waste time unnecessarily in integrating refugees.” The head of the Amberg-Sulzbach job center, Sonja Schleicher, emphasized this during a visit to the ISE education center. A two-month bridging measure was run there to impart basic knowledge of German to predominantly young refugees.

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Migration and integration are showing success

Rapid integration of refugees and other newcomers not only into a culture that is previously unknown to them, but also into employment subject to social insurance is a major task that still needs to be accomplished. There are already initial reports of success. They come from the job center and the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center Amberg.

On the mountain. (usc) Analou Blank from the Philippines, Maia Tabutsadze from Georgia, Shiva Khalli from Iran, Muthana Al Odat and Mohammad Mousa, both from Syria, are essentially “model students” from ISE opposite the Amberg job center. There you will attend a measure to impart specialist skills and professional qualifications in the industrial and commercial sectors. “You all already have an employment contract or training contract,” says ISE Managing Director Peter Blendowski happily.

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Learn from each other – live together

“Now I understand the Germans and they understand me.”

With these words the 23rd integration course at the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center in Sulzbach-Rosenberg ended. Course leader Gabriele Stucke is rightly proud of her course participants, who have made excellent progress in the German language during the course.

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20 years of ISE – 20 integration courses

20th integration course in the 20th year ends with very good results

People have been learning the German language at the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center in Amberg and Sulzbach-Rosenberg for 20 years. Significantly, the 20th integration course, which the ISE carried out on behalf of the Federal Office for Migration (BAMF), was supposed to end in the ISE's anniversary year - and with the usual very good success.

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Common european reference framework

The ISE Sprach- und Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH has been successfully running language courses for German as a foreign language for 20 years. Of course, the Common European Framework of Reference also applies. The Common European Framework of Reference was developed at the suggestion of the Council of Europe and aims to:

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Innovations in integration courses from July 1, 2009

Innovations in integration course examinations from July 1, 2009

multikulti-deutschThe ISE integration course participants benefit even more from the experience of the ISE language teachers through a change in examinations for integration courses. Immigrants have been our customers for 20 years. With this experience, the ISE German teachers can prepare course participants even more effectively for the final exams of integration courses.

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Asked Mr. Herwig – Federal Office for Migration and Refugees

“The BAMF does not run any courses itself, but rather has selected qualified educational institutions for this task through a strict approval process.”
Jens Herwig, regional coordinator from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees

Mr. Herwig, regional coordinator of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, speaks in an interview with ISE about integration courses, the BAMF and funding opportunities for graduates.

ISE: What is the BAMF?
Mr. Herwig:
BAMF stands for

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