“You never win alone. The day you believe otherwise, you start losing.”

Mika Pauli Häkkinen

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ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Practical professional qualification in warehouse logistics with forklift training, basic IT course and job-related language training

Warehouse course, forklift driver’s license, IT and language course – ISE makes it possible

A company-internal forklift driver's license is of little use on the job market, but the forklift driver's license that you can acquire with this course is of far more use! The target group for this qualification is job seekers who are registered with the Federal Employment Agency and need such further training to increase their professional opportunities. Another target group are unskilled, unemployed and older workers and, most recently, skilled workers who would like to expand their qualifications after the WeGebAU program in order to secure their job!

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Always on the ball with ISE

Use new perspectives – retrain as a warehouse logistics specialist

Mr. Helmut Scharf is a participant in the current retraining as a warehouse logistics specialist with an IHK degree at the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center in Amberg. In this article, Mr. Scharf writes about his experiences at ISE and in class.

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