Corporate training
„Fokus Beruf & Arbeit“ sammelt Eindrücke in der Logistikbranche
On Wednesday, July 29, 2016, the “Focus Career” course set off for Schafhof II. There was a company tour of the company “Loxxess” with the company bus and two lecturers. As a logistics expert, the Loxxess company is a figurehead in the region; The Ebermannsdorf location is primarily responsible for supplying production to two Siemens plants. In total, the logistics company is represented in more than 20 locations in Germany alone.
Elasto form KG opens its doors to ISE course participants
Elasto form KG shows interested ISE training participants its production secrets – ISE retrainees and participants explore promotional products and advertising materials manufacturer Elastoform
Sulzbach-Rosenberg. Für 15 Teilnehmer der neuen Umschulung im Ausbildungsberuf Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik in Amberg und des Aktivierungslehrgangs O&A in Sulzbach-Rosenberg gestaltete sich der Unterrichtstag am Dienstag, 07.10.2014 sehr abwechslungs- und lehrreich. Gut gelaunt unter milden Herbsttemperaturen brachen die Umschüler und Kursteilnehmer unter Begleitung des ISE-Arbeitsvermittlers und –Praktikumsbetreuers Helmut Albrecht zur Betriebsbesichtigung bei der Firma elasto form KG in Sulzbach-Rosenberg (Kauerhof) auf. Die Besucher der Betriebserkundung konnten sich über das Fertigungsverfahren, die logistischen Abläufe und den kompletten „Work flow“ des hiesigen Werbeartikelherstellers sehr detailliert informieren – keine Frage blieb unbeantwortet.
Workshops MS Office – individual company training
Most of the errors that a normal computer makes happen about 50 centimeters in front of the screen. If you plan to reduce your error rate or that of your employees, then you should find out more about the computer courses “ISE Workshops in MS Office”. These computer courses from the area of corporate training are extremely tailored to your requirements and wishes.
Turn mistakes into successes!
Language courses for companies

It is an open secret that language skills are often the key to entrepreneurial success. Regardless of whether it is oral or written communication with your suppliers, customers and colleagues – it must function smoothly. Our language teachers, who are primarily native speakers, can draw on broad experience in teaching lasting language skills.