“It is not enough to speak to the matter. You have to speak to people.”

Stanislaw Jerzy Lec

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ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Warehouse logistics specialist: Many graduates already have confirmations!

After receiving their IHK certificates, warehouse logistics specialists can look forward to good job offers in the economy.

Amberg (usc) “ISE offers the best guarantee for a solid education”. Franz Elsner attested to this on the last day of his professional life as head of the employment agency at the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center educational institution. 14 men successfully went to school for 18 months or two years to become warehouse clerks or warehouse logistics specialists.

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Farewell to the successful warehouse logistics graduates

The entire ISE exam class has the professional qualification “Skilled in Warehouse Logistics (IHK)” in their pockets!

The fact that training at ISE is definitely worth it has been shown over the many years in which the language and vocational training center (among other training courses) has been carrying out retraining to become a warehouse logistics specialist (IHK) with great success.

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Elasto form KG opens its doors to ISE course participants

Elasto form KG shows interested ISE training participants its production secrets – ISE retrainees and participants explore promotional products and advertising materials manufacturer Elastoform

Sulzbach-Rosenberg. Für 15 Teilnehmer der neuen Umschulung im Ausbildungsberuf Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik in Amberg und des Aktivierungslehrgangs O&A in Sulzbach-Rosenberg gestaltete sich der Unterrichtstag am Dienstag, 07.10.2014 sehr abwechslungs- und lehrreich. Gut gelaunt unter milden Herbsttemperaturen brachen die Umschüler und Kursteilnehmer unter Begleitung des ISE-Arbeitsvermittlers und –Praktikumsbetreuers Helmut Albrecht zur Betriebsbesichtigung bei der Firma elasto form KG in Sulzbach-Rosenberg (Kauerhof) auf. Die Besucher der Betriebserkundung konnten sich über das Fertigungsverfahren, die logistischen Abläufe und den kompletten „Work flow“ des hiesigen Werbeartikelherstellers sehr detailliert informieren – keine Frage blieb unbeantwortet.

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Be a logistician yourself – at Loxxess

Company investigations are always a good opportunity to take a look at the processes and organization of different companies. They also help to counteract the so-called operational blindness, which is still firmly anchored in many people due to their own experiences in their own company. The team of training managers for the two retraining courses, Andreas Baumann, Roland Domogalla and Richard Kirschner, were happy to take advantage of the offer from the cooperation partner LOXXESS to carry out a business simulation game on the topic of picking with the participants and to take a look behind the scenes of a logistics company.

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Completed training is the most important recruitment criterion

Sulzbach-Rosenberg – Two-year retraining as a warehouse logistics specialist completed with great integration success

After two years of retraining, a small phase of life came to an end for the participants in the training occupation as warehouse logistics specialist: With the official handover of certificates on November 9th, 2011 at the Sulzbach-Rosenberg training center, the ISE language and vocational training center was able to complete the training after two years of intensive training, which began on October 1st, 2009 began and ended on September 30, 2011, releasing a large number of graduates into professional life.

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PARTIAL QUALIFICATION – Your route to work or training

Forklift driving also needs to be learned.

The blatant shortage of skilled workers in the economy calls for new ideas. One of them is called “partial qualification”. This allows the vocational training system to be made more efficient in certain areas.

Specifically, this means that parts of the content of a job description are taught, which can then be credited towards later training - in the initial phase, however, only for selected professions. This program is intended primarily for “old applicants” who did not get a training place in one of the previous recruitment phases and whose chances will inevitably worsen further due to subsequent school leavers or as preparation for the “external examination”. This means that people who have worked for several years in a specific professional field and demonstrate the corresponding specialist knowledge, e.g. through partial qualification, are admitted to the IHK or HWK examination and, after passing the examination, have acquired the corresponding professional qualification.

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I recommend ISE! – Retraining specialist for warehouse logistics

First of all, I would like to thank our lecturer Richard Kirschner for always having an open ear for everyone and for being extremely patient with the sixteen of us retrainees, who couldn't be more different.

Briefly about me: My name is Apostolos Vougazianos and I took part in the retraining program at the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center to become a warehouse logistics specialist in the period from March 16, 2009 to March 16, 2011. A long two years that flew by.

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