“You never win alone. The day you believe otherwise, you start losing.”

Mika Pauli Häkkinen

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ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

It is possible: take life in new directions - the ESF course shows success

Course leader Thomas Klein (in the middle, 2nd row) is happy with the other ISE lecturers and the participants about the success of this qualification.

With the qualification to become a nursing assistant for geriatric care, the fourth ESF project at the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center Amberg has now successfully ended in close cooperation with the AM-AS job center, which was financed, among other things, by the European Social Fund (ESF).

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ESF qualification creates the future!

Amberg, August 8, 2014. The two project supervisors Peter Blendowski and Roland Domogalla are pleased that, for the second time, long-term unemployed people have the opportunity to gain professional qualifications through the ESF project “Qualification to become a nursing assistant” in cooperation with the AM-AS job center in order to gain a foothold on the job market again. Since March 24, 2014, participants at the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center at Kaiser-Ludwig-Ring in Amberg have been learning relevant specialist theory from the career profile of geriatric nurses. By the end of the course on December 19, 2014, the participants will have completed two modules in the nursing area and one care module.

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