“Before you give up, remember why you started.”

Author unknown

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ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Part-time evening integration courses for employees

Step by step to the German test for immigrants (DTZ)!

Learn conveniently alongside your job!

Our learning system

Three building blocks to learn German

  • teaching methods
    The language of instruction is German. You learn with modern textbooks, additional current materials and in everyday scenarios. You work alone, in pairs or in groups. We support you individually and prepare you optimally for the exam.
  • Qualified teachers
    All teachers have experience working with people from different countries and cultures. You regularly take part in further training courses and therefore teach using the most modern methods and findings.
  • Performance reviews and exams
    Before the course begins, we determine your language level. During the course, regular performance reports document your progress. Of course, we also give learning tips and develop individual solutions for learning difficulties. At the end of the course, you will take the DTZ exam and prove your German language skills with a certificate that is recognized throughout Europe.

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