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Thomas Romanus

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Focus on career… – Cooperation with Werkhof non-profit company mbH

Blickpunkt Beruf
Source: Werkhof Regensburg / Focus on Profession

Blickpunkt Berufs is an offer for single women. With this measure, participants can find out what and how they want to work. “Blickpunkt Berufs” plans the path there with you.

“Blickpunkt Berufs” is a very successful career search offering. Since 1994, more than 300 women between the ages of 18 and 40 have successfully taken part. Over half then found permanent employment or accepted a training or retraining position.

The aim of the course is to take up a part-time job, start training or retraining.

As a cooperation partner, the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center is carrying out some module sections of this project - especially in the IT area.

The sponsors of BLICKPUNKT BERUF are:
WERKHOF non-profit company mbH
in cooperation with Werkhof Amberg-Sulzbach non-profit GmbH
a Diakonie company.

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