“Heaven is wherever you are, and that’s where you need to practice.”

Morihei Ueshiba

Please also visit our nursing school
ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Newly qualified accounting specialists look forward to good career prospects

Sabine Grillmayer, course supervisor from the employment agency (3rd from left), Helmut Albrecht, ISE internship and employment agent (8th from left) as well as course supervisor Angela Scheibeck (2nd from right) and Roland Domogalla, deputy. Managing directors of the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center are pleased with the participants about the good to very good final grades and good prospects on the job market. (Photo: Julian Eckelt)

A very happy event, especially in view of the predominantly excellent examination results, was the awarding of the final certificates in the qualification to become an accounting specialist, which took place in Amberg through the cooperation of the educational providers ISE Language and Vocational Training Center and CDT Nuremberg. During the approximately seven months, the participants were trained very intensively in the disciplines of accounting, financial accounting with the industry software DATEV and Lexware and financial accounting with SAP R/3. With the ISE/CDT certificate, participants receive further proof of qualifications for their application documents. Some participants have already been able to sign an employment contract.

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Nursing assistant profession with a future

The 1950s with all its facets were the subject of a journey through time, for which ESF course participants collected a lot of material, for example on the topics of music, fashion, holiday trips abroad (photo), eating habits, furniture, media, contemporary history and advertising. Image: Uschald

On the mountain. (usc) The European Social Fund (ESF) promotes reintegration into the labor market at great financial expense. 22 women and men are currently taking part in a nine-month training course to become nursing assistants at the ISE Language and Education Center in Amberg. There are very good career prospects.

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Carers celebrate course completion

On the mountain. (usc) The courses that the federal agency and job centers help to finance are based on the needs of the labor market. An important partner here is the ISE vocational school for geriatric care and geriatric care assistance. Here, 15 participants recently completed a course “Qualification as Caregivers in Nursing Homes” with great success. Even before the end of the course, eleven women had been accepted for employment in old people's and nursing homes in the region.

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Focus on career… – Cooperation with Werkhof non-profit company mbH

Blickpunkt Beruf
Source: Werkhof Regensburg / Focus on Profession

Blickpunkt Berufs is an offer for single women. With this measure, participants can find out what and how they want to work. “Blickpunkt Berufs” plans the path there with you.

“Blickpunkt Berufs” is a very successful career search offering. Since 1994, more than 300 women between the ages of 18 and 40 have successfully taken part. Over half then found permanent employment or accepted a training or retraining position.

The aim of the course is to take up a part-time job, start training or retraining.

As a cooperation partner, the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center is carrying out some module sections of this project - especially in the IT area.

The sponsors of BLICKPUNKT BERUF are:
WERKHOF non-profit company mbH
in cooperation with Werkhof Amberg-Sulzbach non-profit GmbH
a Diakonie company.

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