“It is not enough to speak to the matter. You have to speak to people.”

Stanislaw Jerzy Lec

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ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Want more joy in life? Advice – support – support

The ISE Language and Vocational Training Center is now offering a coaching measure to compensate for imbalances in individual life situations. A personal coach from ISE will provide you with psychosocial advice, support and support in dealing with personal life situations and other relevant obstacles. Registration – if you belong to the eligible group of people – is initially done via your employment agent or case manager at the job center. In this case you will not incur any costs. In total, the accompanying care can be used for three or six months. You will find that you can get many problems under control through strategic action and competent coaching - this increases motivation and joy in life, and new and perhaps long-awaited goals are now within reach.

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Recruitment of trainees for employers

Job search
The ISE supports applicants in their job search

The selection of new trainees is always a time-consuming process that has to be managed at the same time as everyday tasks. Our professional employment agents take the most time-consuming steps of the selection process off your hands and – if requested – carry out professional interviews with you. Finally, if you wish, you will receive a recommendation from the ISE staff. Important: you make the final decision about who can do training with you!

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