Das ISE Sprach- und Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH bietet auch dieses Jahr allen interessierten förderungsfähigen Teilnehmern die Maßnahme “Das A&O für Arbeitsuchende” an. Die Teilnehmer können sich auf ein interessantes Lehrgangsangebot freuen mit Themen wie Orientierung, Aktivierung und EDV. Abschließend erfolgt ein Betriebspraktikum.
The ISE job market
How current are the job offers?
You can tell when a position was advertised by the publication date. As long as the position can still be found in the ISE job market, the ISE employment agencies have no information that the position has already been filled. No liability is assumed for occasional overlaps. Once a position has been filled, it will be removed from the job market.
Why are the job offers anonymous?
Now people are spitting on their hands again...
The economic crisis was a while ago now. Even now we are still hearing positive signals from many quarters, even that the economy is running out of workers due to the large number of work orders. The head of the private employment agency at the ISE language and vocational training center, Helmut Albrecht, is also pleased about this positive development.
Training measure with qualification and intensive support
The ISE language and vocational training center is currently carrying out a training measure with qualification and intensive support for customers of the Amberg-Sulzbach job center in cooperation with the Regional Education Center (RBZ) of the Eckert Schools. The course offers a fairly broad repertoire from application coaching to various IT topics. Technical and social-educational support takes place throughout the entire duration of the measure. It is possible to start the measure on an ongoing basis.
The ISE language and vocational training center and Eckert schools have set themselves the goal of supporting participants in finding jobs and apprenticeships. In the past, the efforts have paid off - several course participants have already been able to take up employment subject to social security contributions.
The ISE also carries out training measures with qualifications and intensive support for customers of the Amberg and Sulzbach-Rosenberg employment agencies.
Last minute training position!
Private employment agency ISE
We are your partner when it comes to work, the labor market and job placement in Amberg and Sulzbach-Rosenberg. We are currently looking for our client from Neukirchen a trainee to become a car painter (m/w). The employment is not with us, but with our client.
Flash in the pan or trend reversal
At the private employment agency at the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center, there are increasing signs that the job market in the Amberg-Sulzbach district is looking up again. “I have received a lot of inquiries,” says Albrecht, Head of Private Employment Services at ISE. But this is just a flash in the pan,
Always on the ball with ISE
Use new perspectives – retrain as a warehouse logistics specialist
Mr. Helmut Scharf is a participant in the current retraining as a warehouse logistics specialist with an IHK degree at the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center in Amberg. In this article, Mr. Scharf writes about his experiences at ISE and in class.
With the ISE through the jungle of application guides
There is a lot of advice on applications - be it in book form or on the Internet. As an educational institute, the ISE has already run a huge number of courses that include application training. The ISE trainers also keep up to date with relevant literature, among other things. This knowledge is supplemented by years of experience and
Spelling and grammar in application documents
Spelling and Grammar
Most computer programs that you use to create your documents have a spelling aid that works very well. Nevertheless, the ISE employment agencies continue to receive applications that are riddled with spelling errors in both the cover letter and the CV. Use the spelling aids of computer programs and
ISE application guide – the application photo
ISE application guide
The person you are talking to wants to know who you are. Of course, this also applies to the ISE employment agencies. As with most personnel decision-makers, ISE's employment agents also look at the external appearance of your application folder first. As a rule, the second look is at your application photo. Make sure you have a good, professionally taken photo because