“Life is a puzzle; you have to solve it in order to experience many facets of it.”

Pascal Hilgendorf

Please also visit our nursing school
ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Accounting specialists impress with excellent qualifications

A very happy event, especially in view of the predominantly excellent examination results, was the awarding of the final certificates in the qualification “Accounting Specialist CDT with Business English”, which was held in Amberg through the cooperation of the educational providers ISE Language and Vocational Training Center and CDT Nuremberg at Kaiser-Ludwig -Ring 9 took place. During the commercial qualification, the participants were trained very intensively in the disciplines of accounting, IT and especially SAP.

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Carers celebrate course completion

On the mountain. (usc) The courses that the federal agency and job centers help to finance are based on the needs of the labor market. An important partner here is the ISE vocational school for geriatric care and geriatric care assistance. Here, 15 participants recently completed a course “Qualification as Caregivers in Nursing Homes” with great success. Even before the end of the course, eleven women had been accepted for employment in old people's and nursing homes in the region.

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Start instead of waiting...

...this was the motto for the participants in our measure to impart advanced professional knowledge, which started at the beginning of October 2014 at the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center in Amberg. In contrast to the parallel measure, the 'youngsters', i.e. the job center's younger customers, were also addressed here.

Start instead of waiting – a measure to impart advanced professional qualifications.

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The ISE job market

How current are the job offers?

You can tell when a position was advertised by the publication date. As long as the position can still be found in the ISE job market, the ISE employment agencies have no information that the position has already been filled. No liability is assumed for occasional overlaps. Once a position has been filled, it will be removed from the job market.

Why are the job offers anonymous?

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Are you looking for work? Our tasks – your opportunity

The ISE supports applicants in their job search

For 26 years, ISE Sprach- und Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH has been working with the respective employment agencies, working groups and the regional economy in the area of ​​job placement in the Amberg-Sulzbach and Schwandorf area. The ISE Language and Vocational Training Center has also been running a private employment agency for several years and has now been able to find many applicants a job that fits their needs. The interests of job seekers are just as important as the requirements of potential employers. The ISE relies on personal advice based on experience and specialist knowledge that takes into account the individuality of every job seeker.

Benefit from our expertise and our relationships.

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Farewell to the successful warehouse logistics graduates

The entire ISE exam class has the professional qualification “Skilled in Warehouse Logistics (IHK)” in their pockets!

The fact that training at ISE is definitely worth it has been shown over the many years in which the language and vocational training center (among other training courses) has been carrying out retraining to become a warehouse logistics specialist (IHK) with great success.

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Integration course 40 says thank you!

From March to October 2014, participants from 15 countries took part in the integration course at the ISE language and vocational training center in Amberg. The lessons not only taught the basics of the German language, but also practiced speaking on a daily basis.
In the “Life in Germany” course, which took place after the integration course, the participants received a lot of information about politics, history, education, work and the social system in the Federal Republic of Germany.

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ISE success story – ISE celebrates its 25th birthday

Image: Uschald-PR - The ISE management with Eva Weber (middle), Peter Blendowski (right) and Roland Domogalla (left) present the birthday cake, which was later distributed to the guests.

Amberg – The ISE language and vocational training center can now look back on 25 successful years in adult education. Such an anniversary is a worthy occasion for a ceremonial celebration. The ceremony took place in the Amberg-Sulzbach district office (König-Ruprecht-Saal) with numerous guests from business, politics and public life as well as with former course participants. The social commitment in society, in addition to the competent educational work and outreach work, was highly praised from all sides.

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Continuing on the road to success – qualifying as a nursing assistant

Peter Blendowski (ISE project manager of the ESF project) and Andrea Gaßner (supervisor, lecturer and administrator in the project) really cannot complain about the learning progress of the 22 participants. After completing the second module, almost 100% of the participants were able to acquire the childcare certificate after passing theoretical and practical exams. This qualification entitles you to work as a carer in nursing homes (according to Section 87b SGBXI). After the many teaching and practical units, the participants can now look forward to a successful completion and better opportunities on the job market.

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Opportunity for older people – joy, friends, knowledge and new perspectives!

The “Chance for Older People” measure, in which we as students were able to take part, is now ending after three months. The course took place at the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center in Amberg (Kaiser-Ludwig-Ring 9, near the train station). In November - at the beginning of the course - each and every one of us asked ourselves the same questions: "What's in store for me?", "What can I expect?", "Who will I meet there?" and "Will I have fun?" “.

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