“Before you give up, remember why you started.”

Author unknown

Please also visit our nursing school
ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Foundation built for their lives

German teacher Gabriele Stucke (front left) congratulates Wlodzimierz Marszeniuk, the best in the course, in the presence (behind from left) of ISE managing director Peter Blendowski, Erwin Rohrer from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, Edgar Schott, head of the immigration office of the city of Amberg, Gertraud Mertel, head of the immigration office at the district office, Olga Mirz from the Amberg-Sulzbach job center and Karolin Mycka, who achieved the next best exam result. Image: Uschald

On the mountain. (usc) “By taking part in the integration course with the goal B1, you have built the foundation for your life in Germany.” This is how ISE managing director Peter Blendowski described the certificate that 17 of 24 participants from ten nations acquired at the vocational training institute. Four achieved knowledge level A2 below.

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Focus on work and work makes you mobile!

Unsere Teilnehmer der derzeit laufenden Maßnahme Fokus „Beruf & Arbeit“ lernen das Leben und Arbeiten in Deutschland immer besser kennen. Derzeit befinden sich vier Teilnehmer im Praktikum. Drei Personen konnten wir bereits dazu verhelfen, eine Arbeitsstelle zu finden. Auch für die anderen Teilnehmer stehen die Chancen gut, Ihren beruflichen Wünschen ein großes Stück näher zu kommen.

The participants with course leader Yvonne Roidl (middle) are in a good mood during their excursion.

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It is possible: take life in new directions - the ESF course shows success

Course leader Thomas Klein (in the middle, 2nd row) is happy with the other ISE lecturers and the participants about the success of this qualification.

With the qualification to become a nursing assistant for geriatric care, the fourth ESF project at the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center Amberg has now successfully ended in close cooperation with the AM-AS job center, which was financed, among other things, by the European Social Fund (ESF).

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Corporate and private training

Qualification and Personnel Development with ISE
For some time now, ISE Sprach- und Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH has been conducting further education, training and courses for renowned companies in the region and of course also for private individuals. Our clients include, for example:
  • elasto form KG,
  • Grammer AG,
  • LEONHARD KURZ Stiftung & Co. KG,
  • sheepworld AG,
  • Siemens AG and
  • Verkehrs-Ausbildungs-Zentrum (VAZ)

Use short-time work for further training

Chance für ÄltereShort-time work

The number of companies that are on short-time work is very high throughout Germany. This is also the case in the Upper Palatinate. The government launched this instrument together with the Federal Employment Agency to prevent large-scale waves of layoffs in order to preserve jobs. Unfortunately, this plan does not work for all companies, as the layoffs at Amberger Grammer AG and BHS in Weiherhammer show. The Federal Employment Agency has faced the economic crisis and is supporting companies

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Nursing assistants continue to be in demand in practice

On the mountain. (usc) The European Social Fund (ESF) provides significant resources for measures to reintegrate people into the labor market. This is currently being done for a qualification measure to become a nursing assistant at the ISE Language and Education Center in Amberg. 20 women and men go to school for nine months. There are very good career prospects.

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Migration and integration are showing success

Rapid integration of refugees and other newcomers not only into a culture that is previously unknown to them, but also into employment subject to social insurance is a major task that still needs to be accomplished. There are already initial reports of success. They come from the job center and the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center Amberg.

On the mountain. (usc) Analou Blank from the Philippines, Maia Tabutsadze from Georgia, Shiva Khalli from Iran, Muthana Al Odat and Mohammad Mousa, both from Syria, are essentially “model students” from ISE opposite the Amberg job center. There you will attend a measure to impart specialist skills and professional qualifications in the industrial and commercial sectors. “You all already have an employment contract or training contract,” says ISE Managing Director Peter Blendowski happily.

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„Fokus Beruf & Arbeit“ sammelt Eindrücke in der Logistikbranche

On Wednesday, July 29, 2016, the “Focus Career” course set off for Schafhof II. There was a company tour of the company “Loxxess” with the company bus and two lecturers. As a logistics expert, the Loxxess company is a figurehead in the region; The Ebermannsdorf location is primarily responsible for supplying production to two Siemens plants. In total, the logistics company is represented in more than 20 locations in Germany alone.

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