“Life is a puzzle; you have to solve it in order to experience many facets of it.”

Pascal Hilgendorf

Please also visit our nursing school
ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Reduce the shortage of skilled workers in the hospitality industry with ISE

Representatives of the job center, led by its director Sonja Schleicher (third from right), were pleased with the ISE trainers about the successfully completed course “Basic training for the hotel and restaurant industry”. Some participants from the group of ten will continue to go to school with the aim of obtaining a professional qualification as a specialist in the hospitality industry (IHK). Image: Uschald

On the mountain. (usc) There is a shortage of staff in the hotel and restaurant industry. Job centers, employment agencies and the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center Amberg want to remedy this with special courses for job seekers. Ten men and women have now successfully undergone an examination after basic training.

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Valuable help for integration

34 immigrants took an important step towards permanent employment by successfully participating in the “Focus on Career and Work” course at the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center. Rainer Liermann and Nina Werner from the job center (right), which finances these courses, also congratulated. Image: Uschald

Integration into the previously foreign Germany and into an employment relationship subject to social insurance contributions is the aim of the special educational measures “Focus on Career and Work” at the ISE language and vocational training center for people with a migration background. The job center takes over the financing.

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Part-time evening integration courses for employees

Step by step to the German test for immigrants (DTZ)!

Learn conveniently alongside your job!

Our learning system

Three building blocks to learn German

  • teaching methods
    The language of instruction is German. You learn with modern textbooks, additional current materials and in everyday scenarios. You work alone, in pairs or in groups. We support you individually and prepare you optimally for the exam.
  • Qualified teachers
    All teachers have experience working with people from different countries and cultures. You regularly take part in further training courses and therefore teach using the most modern methods and findings.
  • Performance reviews and exams
    Before the course begins, we determine your language level. During the course, regular performance reports document your progress. Of course, we also give learning tips and develop individual solutions for learning difficulties. At the end of the course, you will take the DTZ exam and prove your German language skills with a certificate that is recognized throughout Europe.

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Nursing assistant profession with a future

The 1950s with all its facets were the subject of a journey through time, for which ESF course participants collected a lot of material, for example on the topics of music, fashion, holiday trips abroad (photo), eating habits, furniture, media, contemporary history and advertising. Image: Uschald

On the mountain. (usc) The European Social Fund (ESF) promotes reintegration into the labor market at great financial expense. 22 women and men are currently taking part in a nine-month training course to become nursing assistants at the ISE Language and Education Center in Amberg. There are very good career prospects.

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MISSION STATEMENT of the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center

As our customer, you are primarily a participant in an educational measure. In this context, with us you will find an educational institution in which qualified lecturers impart the relevant knowledge in an atmosphere that is conducive to learning, according to your educational needs. Depending on the course, this knowledge will create the opportunity to successfully complete a professional qualification or a corresponding certificate or to generally improve your chances on the job market.

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Over 18,000 course participants have been looked after over 30 years

Teachers, representatives of the job center, ISE managing director Peter Blendowski (second from left) and the graduates were equally happy about the successful completion of school after a new month of training as a nursing assistant. Image: Uschald

On the mountain. (usc) They were initially skeptical and unsure whether they could cope with the demands of a nine-month reintegration measure into the labor market. After all, 14 of 17 women completed their training to become nursing assistants at the ISE language and education center in Amberg. The prospects for a permanent job are good, as was heard at the certificate award ceremony.

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Retraining: Two years of studying will be worth it

Not only the graduates (front row), but also the lecturers and ISE managing directors (back row) as well as IHK managing director Johann Schmalzl (back right) and the employment placement team leader at the Amberg agency were happy about the successful completion of the retraining measure to become warehouse logistics specialists for work, Stefanie Bauer (front right). Image: Uschald

On the mountain. (usc) With a good deal of perseverance, six men and two women with the certificate “Skilled in Warehouse Logistics” acquired the “driving license for a second professional life”. They went to school at the ISE educational institute for two years with financial support from the employment agency. Your hard work has paid off because the career opportunities that have now opened up are very good.

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