“Demanding happiness from others is a sure way to dependency.”

Boris Grundl

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The hospitality industry is urgently looking for new talent

The first step in training to become a specialist in the hospitality industry has been completed. After another 16 months of studying, the IHK exam is coming up. Image: H. Uschald

On the mountain. (usc) The course participants come from Kazakhstan, Brazil, Russia, Eritrea, Iraq, the Philippines and Germany and have the career goal of becoming a specialist in the hospitality industry with an IHK degree. They created the basis for this with the one-year practical pre-qualification at the ISE language and vocational training center in Amberg. At the same time, some interested parties began pre-qualification in the HoGa area (hotel and catering industry).

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Retraining specialist warehouse clerk (IHK) for asylum seekers with a job-related German course

For the first time from September 21, 2015, the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center Amberg is offering interested asylum seekers retraining to become a state-recognized warehouse clerk. In addition to the necessary theoretical knowledge for the training as a warehouse specialist, the participants also take part in a job-related German course with a direct career reference for warehouse logistics professions in order to learn the German language and typical technical terms in warehouse management. As part of the retraining, the participants complete forklift training and an internship lasting approximately 3 months. Knowledge transfer takes place, among other things, in the core subjects of logistical processes, economic and social processes, specialist arithmetic, electronic data processing and English. The chances of getting a job in the warehouse professions in company practice are still very good. Companies are increasingly relying on trained specialists to provide high-quality work – the need for unskilled workers, however, is constantly decreasing. Retraining represents a unique opportunity for all applicants to learn a solid apprenticeship. As with all retraining, the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center can help you find internships and jobs. The diverse contacts of the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center with local, regional and national companies are certainly very useful here.

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Home schooling – lessons take place in digital teaching format

Due to the current exceptional situation regarding the corona pandemic, face-to-face teaching is currently suspended in our educational institution. Like everywhere else in our country, this situation came to us at very short notice.

Currently, almost all of our participants are provided with teaching material via the in-house educational server of the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center in Amberg or via other media (e-mail, Skype, etc.).

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A seven-month course “Focus – Career and Work” with three-month internships prepares people with a migration background for real life in Germany.

The men and women who moved here laid the foundation for rapid integration into the professional and social life of their host country in the “Focus – Career and Work” course at the ISE language and vocational training center. The representatives of the job center, Rainer Liermann (back left) and Ralf Doschat (front right), as well as the ISE teachers, congratulated on their successful participation. Image: Uschald

On the mountain. (usc) The course participants selected by the job center acquire basic, job-related German skills full-time at the ISE language and vocational training center and receive a basic qualification in the industrial, commercial and nursing sectors. The chances of placement are good, as was shown at the last course completion.

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Very good grades in the German test for immigrants

The regional coordinator of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, Vera Rohrer (right), the head of the immigration office at the district office, Gertraud Mertel (middle row on the right) and (behind her) the head of the immigration office of the city of Amberg also congratulated on the successful completion of the integration course with language test , Edgar Schott. Image: Uschald

On the mountain. (usc) If each of the course participants had spoken in their native language at the graduation ceremony of the ISE integration course, there would have been a Babylonian confusion of languages. But 21 men and women showed that they can communicate quite well with each other in German. ISE Education Officer Peter Blendowski was full of praise for the predominantly very good results in the language test.

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