“An investment in knowledge still brings the best returns.”

Benjamin Franklin

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ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Experience the symptoms of aging first hand

The use of the age simulation suit was intended to demonstrate to participants in the training seminar for nursing assistants at the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center how difficult everyday life is for older people when they have physical obstacles. Job center manager Sonja Schleicher (middle, left of seminar leader Thomas Klein) tested fiber gloves while peeling apples. The employment placement team leader, Rainer Liermann (left), familiarized himself with the complete simulation suit. Image: Uschald

On the mountain. (usc) How does it feel when older people's hands shake while writing, when their field of vision is narrow or when peeling apples or climbing stairs is difficult? This can be simulated, as the participants in the training seminar for nursing assistants at the ISE language and vocational training center were able to find out. Representatives of the job center and employment agency also found out more about it, in a self-experiment, so to speak.

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