“An optimist doesn’t stand in the rain – he showers under a cloud.”

Thomas Romanus

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ISE success story – ISE celebrates its 25th birthday

Image: Uschald-PR - The ISE management with Eva Weber (middle), Peter Blendowski (right) and Roland Domogalla (left) present the birthday cake, which was later distributed to the guests.

Amberg – The ISE language and vocational training center can now look back on 25 successful years in adult education. Such an anniversary is a worthy occasion for a ceremonial celebration. The ceremony took place in the Amberg-Sulzbach district office (König-Ruprecht-Saal) with numerous guests from business, politics and public life as well as with former course participants. The social commitment in society, in addition to the competent educational work and outreach work, was highly praised from all sides.

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