“Do you want to tread the beaten path or create new paths?”

Author unknown

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ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

If you rest, you will rust! – Further training is becoming increasingly important

For young and old – further training is an important guarantee of success for professional development

Lifelong learning is more important today than ever. Every society has its changes; Technical development and knowledge are advancing inexorably; the half-life of knowledge is becoming ever shorter. It can be proven that the annual intervals between knowledge doubling have steadily decreased in recent years. Today, it can be assumed that knowledge doubles approximately every four years or even less. Globalization has certainly also made its contribution to the fact that our world rotates “faster” today and that what has been learned becomes outdated in a much shorter time.

Those who are not constantly developing themselves and are not willing to constantly learn will potentially be replaced by more willing and hard-working workers. Globalization has certainly also contributed to change. Nowadays, learning takes place not only at school or during training, but also in further professional life through daily new requirements, self-taught application of various programs or through appropriate further training.

This year's German Training Day, which has now taken place for the fourth time, is of the opinion: “The current cuts in the area of ​​publicly funded further training are counterproductive and must be reversed. On the contrary: there is an urgent need for investment in reliable and sustainable further training structures for all areas of further training with a comprehensive and independent advisory system.” This demand was put forward on September 20th by the organizers of the German Continuing Education Day in the German Bundestag.

The ISE language and vocational training center has long recognized the trend of the times and has been offering demanding qualifications and further training in the professional area in the Amberg and Sulzbach-Rosenberg region for decades. Whether it's important professional social skills - so-called soft skills - or specialist qualifications in the IT sector in the MS Office package or industry-specific programs such as SAP or Lexware, the ISE has sufficient resources available with qualified lecturers and modern training rooms To prepare customers as best as possible for their return to work. Business English (with internationally recognized certificate qualifications) and qualifications in accounting, warehousing and logistics as well as in geriatric care and housekeeping are also part of our institution's permanent repertoire. Many participants were able to assert themselves in business thanks to these training courses and view their future prospects positively.

Some of us certainly have the image in our minds that learning is very tedious and requires a lot of effort. Some of us may also have bad memories from our school days that may have led to resignation.

But learning can look different... In its knowledge transfer, the ISE has committed itself to the principle that learning is fun. You can laugh and you should laugh. There should be no question that should remain unanswered for a participant in class. It is a very satisfying feeling for all ISE employees when the participants experience a sense of success and the performance results can be improved based on objectively measurable criteria. Learning motivation and learning energy can still be improved – through many, many small steps. The ISE works every day to apply future-oriented methodology and didactics for the benefit of its customers.

You will receive an overview of the current training courses at the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center here.

If you would like to find out more, we are happy to provide advice on 09621/7868-0.

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