“Heaven is wherever you are, and that’s where you need to practice.”

Morihei Ueshiba

Please also visit our nursing school
ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

“Awaken the nursing expert in you…”

The ISE vocational school for geriatric care and geriatric care assistance starts two training courses in the nursing and geriatric care sector in Amberg every year.

The training positions are in great demand. If you decide now, with a bit of luck you can still get one of the few training places in the apprenticeships

Elderly care/-in (3 year old) – Start date: beginning of September or
Nursing assistant (1 year) – Start date: mid-September

received at the ISE vocational school.

Participants can look forward to in-depth training in these future-oriented and modern professions. This is also shown by the good results of previous training courses. There are diverse perspectives in this almost crisis-proof industry. Anyone who would like to work in such an exciting and responsible profession and would like to make their personal contribution to supporting older people or people in need of care in our society should definitely apply to us.

Get in touch with the ISE vocational school for geriatric care and geriatric care assistance - your partner for nursing training, geriatric care courses and further training for nursing professions in Amberg!

You can also obtain further information by calling 09621/916086-0, 09621/916086-1 or 09621/916086-5.

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