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Erich Kaestner

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More opportunities through networking in the education market

Education was and still is the key to professional success. Because all studies on the subject agree on one thing: those who have sound, generally recognized basic vocational training have a significantly better chance in today's job market. Unskilled workers are usually the first to be affected, for example when the economy slows down. Trained specialists also occupy permanent positions with a significantly higher frequency than people without a professional qualification. The latter often only get a chance to work through temporary employment.

However, even if you have a good school education and completed vocational training, the following still applies: If you rest, you rust - which is why you should definitely make sure to stay on the ball when designing your own professional future. Regular training and further education ensures your own value on the job market and keeps you up to date; Because the changes in today's working world are taking place at a completely different speed than just a few decades ago and require constant updating and the expansion of one's own level of knowledge and experience.

The educational offerings are diverse and there are certainly a lot of things that are superfluous or even pointless in the highly competitive market, from which those who want to learn often have to make a difficult selection at first. In the worst case scenario, seemingly interesting and future-oriented qualifications turn out to be of little demand when looking for a job in the future and are unusable for the employer.

Reputable educational providers, on the other hand, are available to help in this jungle of offerings with honest and comprehensive advice. It is not uncommon for an interested person to be unselfishly referred directly to the cooperation partner if the partner offers an educational course that is more suitable for the individual and has more prospects for the future. And this is where the educational alliance between the cooperating providers begins

  • Eckert schools in Amberg
  • ISE language and vocational training center based in Amberg and Sulzbach-Rosenberg as well
  • Kolping educational center in Amberg

to bear their fruits:

Anyone wishing to learn will find the ideal educational offer for them with professional and expert support, and the cooperating educational institutes, for their part, benefit from the corresponding synergy effects. The educational institutions involved can specialize in those topics in which they have been able to accumulate a high level of competence through long-term training routines.

It is therefore a network of cooperation partners that creates a “win-win situation” for everyone involved and effectively improves the quality of the education market. Customers also enjoy better opportunities on the job market through expert support in the area of ​​job placement. Clients enjoy the advantage of a strong and direct distribution of responsibilities among the educational providers. Competent contact persons are always available from the specialized cooperation partners and can be reached directly via “short official channels”. Bureaucracy can be effectively reduced and long, indecisive wanderings by those interested in education are prevented. Dubious or unimportant offers in terms of the labor market also have less and less chance against such a strong educational alliance as the density and integration increases.

The Kolping Education Center Amberg, the Eckert Schools Amberg and the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center have been successfully implementing this network in the area of ​​adult education in Amberg and the Amberg-Sulzbach district for several years. The beneficiaries of this effective knowledge transfer are course candidates and participants who are willing to learn, especially in the local region.