“An optimist doesn’t stand in the rain – he showers under a cloud.”

Thomas Romanus

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ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Farewell to the successful warehouse logistics graduates

The entire ISE exam class has the professional qualification “Skilled in Warehouse Logistics (IHK)” in their pockets!

The fact that training at ISE is definitely worth it has been shown over the many years in which the language and vocational training center (among other training courses) has been carrying out retraining to become a warehouse logistics specialist (IHK) with great success.
However, despite many years of experience, it still fills everyone involved with a special sense of pride when all examinees, without exception, can be congratulated on passing the exam without anyone having to make a “second attempt”.

This is what happened with the last year of examinations, which on Friday, October 24th, 2014 were not only able to leave for their future careers with the well-deserved examination certificates, but also achieved an above-average and really pleasing performance with an average grade of 2.0.

Good education opens up new opportunities and future prospects. In addition to the managing director of the ISE, Peter Blendowski, the responsible team leader of the Schwandorf employment agency - Amberg office -, Ms. Manuela Luber, expressed her joy and recognition to the graduates for their great success. Ms. Luber also wished the participants all the best for the future and promised those whose future careers were not yet in the clear that she would continue to provide ongoing and intensive support. In fact, however, an above-average proportion of newly qualified skilled workers could be said to have already agreed or promised employment, which is certainly also due to the good support provided by the employment agency and the application activities that began early with the support of the ISE employment agent, Helmut Albrecht. in the last half of the training.

After the certificates were handed over, the ISE lecturers involved also had their say in short speeches. Everyone expressed their pride in the good result to the graduates and thanked the examinees for the extremely pleasant and productive collaboration during two years of wonderful and experience-rich training. Of course, everyone involved would always be happy to provide the examinees with advice and assistance even after the course had ended and would be happy to hear something again in due course about the whereabouts and the interim fortunes of their protégés.

The award ceremony ended with a relaxed conversation and a good atmosphere with a snack that the ISE in Amberg had organized for the farewell party.

Andreas Baumann
Training manager