...this was the motto for the participants in our measure to impart advanced professional knowledge, which started at the beginning of October 2014 at the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center in Amberg. In contrast to the parallel measure, the 'youngsters', i.e. the job center's younger customers, were also addressed here.

The concept of the measure runs parallel to the measure 'Take action instead of waiting':
Here, too, the four pillars were used (see article about 'Tackling instead of waiting'). And yet there were clear differences over the course of these two measures. Here, for example, were For example, the computer parts were divided into a beginner and an advanced group, as the participants' previous knowledge was sometimes quite different. In addition, a total of 7 participants decided to acquire the care certificate according to §87b SGB XI as part of the measure. All 7 passed the exams – congratulations!!! Another 4 participants were able to acquire their forklift license. They were all successful too.
At the beginning, however, the measure also meant for the participants in 'Starting instead of waiting' that 'starting' requires a lot of energy and confidence. And a very important point: trust in your own abilities and in the abilities of the ISE team. We were able to earn this trust from most participants. We were able to provide support with some personal difficulties. The conditions were therefore good.
Success didn't take long to arrive and with the newly polished application documents we were able to place some participants in full-time work. Two participants have decided to continue learning and will soon begin a qualification in accounting or training in warehouse logistics. Three participants still had a promising application outstanding at the end of the measure, the ISE team is keeping its fingers crossed!!
As with all of our measures, our team will also be available to support participants in 'Starting instead of waiting' afterwards when it comes to looking for work.
The ISE team wishes the participants in this measure all the best for the future.
Eva Weber
Social pedagogical supervisor
ISE Managing Director