The European Social Fund (ESF) has been supporting measures for reintegration into the labor market in Amberg for six years. The basis for this is a nine-month qualification measure to become a nursing assistant at the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center.

Amberg (usc) 21 women and men have been going back to school at ISE since May until February 1, 2019. There are very good career prospects. The co-financing is provided by ISE and the Amberg-Sulzbach job center. Its head, Sonja Schleicher, took a whole morning with her employment placement team leader, Rainer Liermann, to experience the lesson topic “Dealing with wheelchairs and walkers” in the current module 2 “Supporting old people in their daily lives”.
Geriatric nurses have a lot of contact with people who use a wheelchair or walker. But what does it actually feel like to be a wheelchair user? What is to be considered? What hurdles do older people have to expect in everyday life? This educational self-experience was organized by course leader Thomas Klein with the kind support of the AWO Kümmersbruck retirement home, which provided wheelchairs and walkers.
The participants in the current nursing qualification measure at ISE changed roles for the visitors from the job center and set off with wheelchairs and walkers to explore Amberg city center and its weak points. The course participants also had to have bad personal experiences, as accessibility in Amberg is only being implemented step by step.
After the course participants returned from the city, experiences were exchanged. Sonja Schleicher motivated the group to persevere until the end. The commitment shown so far deserves respect, she said. The participants chose nursing, one of the most beautiful, but sometimes difficult jobs.
“With the knowledge and skills to be acquired, the course participants will be eligible for social insurance contributions
Experience has shown that a certain number of course participants in this ESF nursing qualification transfer to the ISE vocational school for geriatric nursing. Another incentive for training at the ISE geriatric care school is the fact that, given demographic change, course graduates have good career prospects, for example in nursing homes or in outpatient care, and can therefore finance their own living.
In the past 29 years of its existence, over 16,000 participants have received the best possible training and professional integration in various courses, retraining, support and placement measures at the ISE language and vocational training center and the ISE vocational school for geriatric care and geriatric care assistance.
For the report
Hubert Uschald