“You never win alone. The day you believe otherwise, you start losing.”

Mika Pauli Häkkinen

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ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Journey through the German language was successful!

The 48th integration course of the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center started in October 2015 in Sulzbach-Rosenberg, which was attended by participants from the local city, Amberg and the neighboring districts.

As a teacher, I looked into the 21 expectant faces for the first time. The participants came from a wide variety of nations around the world; almost all continents were represented. Some participants came from Syria, there were also participants from Africa, China, North and South America, and of course also from Europe. The ages of the participants were just as diverse, ranging from early 20s to early 60s. The genders were almost equally balanced - with a slight difference for the men.

But no matter whether man or woman, black or white, Syrian refugee or Canadian doctor, everyone was in for a great journey through the German language. From the beginning, the participants were very motivated, curious and hard-working. The atmosphere was always characterized by mutual respect and friendliness; there was hard work but also a lot of laughter.

The German adventure was not always easy. Even today I have to smile when I remember questions like: “Why is the girl not a woman, but the door is beautiful, but the table is a man and the window is neither?” Over the course of the months, many of these questions have been answered. After six months of case tables, dialogue exercises and vocabulary tasks, the participants were ready for the final exam. The participants became friends, and the fear of the exam gave way to the joy of their good performance. Some participants then delivered outstanding performances in the final exam and achieved almost the maximum number of points. This is impressive and gratifying at the same time. Practically everyone has reached level B1. With this knowledge, the participants can now take their future in Germany into their own hands. I have no doubt that everyone will achieve their dreams. I am still happy when participants contact me and tell me what they have already achieved with their knowledge of German.

Overall, an outstanding course with great people, all different and each a very extraordinary person in their own way. It was a pleasure for me to be able to accompany these personalities for part of their journey.

Alessandro Musetti
Course leader