“You often see something a hundred times, a thousand times, before you really see it for the very first time.”

Christian Morgenstern

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Does the world fit into the classroom?

Herr Schott, Frau Mertel und Frau Röhrer bei der Verabschiedung der erfolgreichen Teilnehmer/-innen des IntegrationskursesAnd whether! 20 course participants from 13 nations learned and laughed together, spoke and wrote, doubted their successes and experienced wonderful moments of success during the integration course at the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center in Amberg. The first visit to the doctor without an escort or a visit to an authority without an interpreter are milestones on the path to social participation in our country. And for the language course participants, it is very tangible evidence of their learning progress.

More and more migrants are passing the language test with the best results.

This was stated in a press release from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) dated November 26, 2012.

The migrants who receive their certificates here have passed the language test with the best results. Not 57 percent of the test participants achieved the highest possible language target B1 - that is the average according to the BAMF - but 90 percent.

“Knowledge of German is the basic requirement for social participation in our country and therefore essential for successful integration,” says Dr. Manfred Schmidt, President of the Federal Office. “The good results of our participants in the language test show that we offer immigrants an attractive opportunity to improve their language skills; but at the same time also that they accept it with motivation and are successful themselves.”

The participants of the 32nd integration course have proven this. They now take their experiences and knowledge out into the world.

Gabriele Stucke
Lecturer for integration courses

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