“Heaven is wherever you are, and that’s where you need to practice.”

Morihei Ueshiba

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ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Oh, you happy one! Happy graduates of the “Modular Qualification” course

One day before Christmas, the participants in the “Modular qualification in the commercial and industrial sector” training course gave themselves their own Christmas present by successfully completing it.

Six months in which they acquired extensive knowledge in various commercial and commercial areas are behind them. Among other things, the ECDL-Start (4 modules of the European computer driving license) could also be purchased.

With the appropriate evidence, it is easier to convince potential employers of your level of knowledge and thus increase your chances of getting a job.

In some cases this has already been achieved in the final internship part of the measure; for some, the decision will be made shortly. Anyone still looking for work can contact the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center at any time after the course and will continue to receive full support from the ISE team.

The next course begins on March 5, 2012. If you are interested, please contact your agent at the employment agency or job center.