“Heaven is wherever you are, and that’s where you need to practice.”

Morihei Ueshiba

Please also visit our nursing school
ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

With FOKUS “Career and Work” in the fast lane

The participants in the measure are also trained in many IT topics for everyday working life.

FOKUS “Career and Work” is a measure specifically for people with a migrant background who are able to work but unemployed. We not only provide participants with the necessary key qualifications, but also help them:

  • to improve and perfect their German skills and thus their communication skills at work,
  • to get to know various career options in the commercial, industrial and nursing sectors,
  • Finding good jobs, which is often very difficult because, for example, B. are not flexible (e.g. participants do not have a driver's license, no car, have not completed any training, etc.),
  • through social-educational support
    (Expand motivation, strengthen self-confidence, activate self-management, find your own professional strengths and thereby perspectives, create an individual strategy)
  • solve family and professional problems.

A participant in the Focus on Career and Work measure (left) was able to acquire the coveted forklift license during the course. ISE managing director Peter Blendowski (right) presents the forklift license with the certificate of participation to the proud participant.

The ISE is pleased that 11 participants in this measure have already been placed in adequate work that is subject to social insurance contributions.
The ISE language and vocational training center offers a varied course program, which is why we can show many positive results in terms of learning success. Our extensive and individual support as well as our intensive efforts in job placement mean that further good employment opportunities can be expected.