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The crowning achievement – ​​warehouse logistics specialist

Dream grades when retraining as a warehouse logistics specialist

After two years of retraining at the ISE language and vocational training center in Sulzbach-Rosenberg, 16 successful graduates in the training profession of warehouse logistics specialist can now look forward to their good qualifications and a wide range of qualified areas of employment in business. The newly qualified warehouse logistics specialists are sought-after specialists in industrial and commercial companies. Excellent final grades make graduates sought-after specialists on the job market.

With a ceremonial certificate awarding, the graduates of the “warehouse logistics specialist” retraining course in the middle town hall in Sulzbach-Rosenberg were released into their professional lives with their extremely good grades. In addition to the participants, guests from business, public life and administration also accepted the invitation from Managing Director Peter Blendowski. Michael Göth, first mayor of the city of Sulzbach-Rosenberg, was also pleased in his welcoming speech about the excellent performance of the participants and the good contact with the training provider. It is also quite encouraging that the unemployment rate has decreased locally in recent years and that opportunities on the regional labor market have noticeably improved. Among the well-wishers were the branch manager Franz Elsner, the team leader of the employment agency Manuela Luber and Werner Scharl from the employer service of the Amberg employment agency. Everyone congratulated the participants on their hard work over the last two years. The good professional qualifications of the participants can counteract the shortage of skilled workers in the regional economy.

In his laudatory speech, Peter Blendowski praised the participants' above-average hard work and discipline at all times. Some of the hardships over the last two years have now paid off. The daily effort in learning is now reflected in the good results of the final exam.

In this retraining, which the ISE language and vocational training center has now successfully carried out for the fifth time in this training occupation, the achievements are truly unique: After their two-year retraining in the training occupation “warehouse logistics specialist”, 100% of the participants passed the final exam before the industrial and Chamber of Commerce in Regensburg straight away, 50% of the participants achieved an overall grade of “very good”. The happy graduates with the final grade of “very good” include Klaus Ertl, Stefan Kugler, Kerstin Kunert, Heidi Murr, Gerhard Reichl, Michael Sebald, Irina Welzl and Timo Wölfl.

Karl-Heinz Lex, training consultant for commercial professions from the Regensburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry, was also positively surprised by the exceptionally good performance in the tested disciplines. He pointed out the overall grade average of 1.7 and awarded the two best of the year, Stefan Kugler from Auerbach and Michael Sebald from Pegnitz, an overall grade of 1.2 when they handed over their certificates. The very pleasing results also confirm the good quality of training at the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center. Thanks in particular to the training manager Richard Kirschner for his tireless commitment to planning and implementing the retraining, who always tried to clarify possible questions in connection with the retraining with the IHK in advance in order to ensure that the lessons went well.

Richard Kirschner, lecturer and training manager for the retraining, also did not fail to congratulate the retrainees on their extraordinarily good results in his speech: “You have overwhelmingly completed a crucial phase of your life. Completing training is always an important stage in life. It opens up new opportunities. I am pleased that I was able to accompany you on this path." It was not a given that his protégés took part in this retraining with such seriousness and diligence: "The success of the measure is primarily thanks to you - yours Your activity and hard work made it easy for me to impart the knowledge.”

Many ISE employees contributed to the success: ISE Managing Director Peter Blendowski, who was always open to requests and requests, Andrea Gaßner, who taught English, Rainer Riedl, who imparted practical information on warehouse logistics and Helmut Albrecht, who always was available to provide support with advice and support in the search for an internship and job.

Angelika Gradl, Head of Incoming Goods and Intralogistics, and Benno Dahl, Head of Purchasing for Operating Supplies and Freight, from ZF Friedrichshafen AG were also pleased with the good performance of the 16 newly qualified warehouse logistics specialists and wished them much success in their jobs and for their careers. Nine employees of ZF Friedrichshafen AG were given the opportunity to take part in the retraining as part of the WeGebAU program.

Last but not least, re-student Michael Sebald also had the floor. On behalf of his colleagues, he thanked them for the very instructive two years, the good preparation for the final exam by the training manager and for the wonderful time.

The retraining process was always characterized by an open, caring approach and a good teaching atmosphere. The participants always supported each other. The retraining, which took place on December 1st, 2011 at the headquarters of the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center in Frommstr. 36 in Sulzbach-Rosenberg, included the imparting of specialist knowledge in the examination subjects of logistics processes, quality assurance and rational goods handling as well as economics and social studies. In addition, the participants were able to complete forklift training right at the start of the training and put their knowledge into practice in the form of practical teaching days at the logistics service provider Loxxess (Schafhof II industrial area) in this logistics company, with which the training provider has a cooperation partnership. During two internship periods lasting a total of approximately 5.5 months, the participants were able to test, deepen and implement the theoretical knowledge they had acquired in practice.

Warehouse logistics specialists are in demand in the economy thanks to their solid training. Regardless of whether it is about warehouse planning or optimizing throughput times, warehouse logisticians can be used in a variety of ways thanks to their practice-oriented training. Topic areas during the training included: Securing loads when shipping goods and information about European social regulations regarding driving and rest times. Calculation was required for topics such as warehouse key figures, utilization levels, ABC analyzes and reference calculations. The participants also gained insights into regulations on the storage of dangerous goods, Incoterms, various picking methods, company procurement and many other interesting topics. There are plenty of courses, courses or seminars to help you specialize further later.

The employees of the ISE language and vocational training center in Amberg and Sulzbach-Rosenberg wish the successful participants - personally, professionally and also in future further training courses such as logistics masters (IHK) - all the best!