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Integration course 40 says thank you!

From March to October 2014, participants from 15 countries took part in the integration course at the ISE language and vocational training center in Amberg. The lessons not only taught the basics of the German language, but also practiced speaking on a daily basis.
In the “Life in Germany” course, which took place after the integration course, the participants received a lot of information about politics, history, education, work and the social system in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Two course participants describe their impressions:

Chen, Su-chen

My name is Suchen Chen. At the beginning of 2014 I entered Germany from Taiwan. When I registered at the district office, I heard about the German language courses at the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center in Amberg. With the support of the ISE administration staff, I was able to “join” the course I had just started. At this point I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who helped me.

In the German course I quickly learned to find my way around daily life in Germany.
My teacher, Ms. Deckert, was very experienced and gave us a lot of help. She not only helped us learn the German language, but also helped us understand German culture.

The opportunity to learn the German language with other people from different countries and cultures was a special and enjoyable experience for me.

We came as strangers, but over the seven months we all became friends.

A big thank you to Ms. Deckert and all classmates.
Good luck and best wishes in your new life!

Isakiou, Viktoria

My name is Viktoria Isakiou and I come from Greece. The course was a unique opportunity for me to get in touch with the German language and culture. After almost seven months, I am able to express myself understandably in all life situations.

Our class consisted of people who came from many countries around the world. This gave me the opportunity to get to know new cultures and customs.

Ms. Deckert was a very inspiring and motivating teacher who was able to pass on her love for the German language and culture to us.

I am very happy that I was able to complete such a helpful and interesting German course.

The team at the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center in Amberg wishes all graduates of the German course all the best, good luck professionally and privately and good luck in all areas of life!