“You never win alone. The day you believe otherwise, you start losing.”

Mika Pauli Häkkinen

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ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Focus on career and work in the fast lane

The job-related measure to impart specialist skills and professional qualifications in the industrial, commercial and nursing areas 'Focus on Career and Work' ended on February 25, 2016. The measure is designed for employable but unemployed men and women with a migration background and took place on the premises of the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center in Amberg. Especially for this group of people, we know that support for integration into society and the labor market is urgently needed due to intercultural problems. The extensive individual support and the intensive efforts in finding employment for the participants by the ISE are showing success.

The “Focus on Work and Career” course initially focused on the following goals:

  • Recognize the obstacles to placement and reduce them with the necessary help
  • Recognizing and processing/eliminating intercultural problems
  • Promote social and personal skills
  • Create, maintain and expand motivation
  • Strengthening the ability for self-organization and active self-management, taking the migration problem into account
  • Information about various professional/activity fields
  • Finding suitable career prospects

At the start of the measure in August 2015, an assessment of the situation and analysis of the situation took place with each participant in intensive individual discussions. Together with experienced ISE employees, the professional career was analyzed and its relevance to the job market was clarified. A strategy was developed for each participant as to how their personal integration into the labor market could take place.

The participants have acquired basic knowledge in different specialist areas. The content was designed to be flexible enough that it could be oriented towards the target group. For example, care, gastronomy, warehouse logistics and gardening and landscaping were a topic here. And with regard to the migrant background, special knowledge of professional communication was of course an important factor as a key competence in all areas.

Another important component of this measure was, of course, support in finding work. Job advertisements were looked at, application documents were professionally prepared and, if necessary, new application photos were taken so that the whole thing had a face. For some participants, this already led to success during the measure: they now have a job. The ISE team wishes these participants all the best for their professional future!

An internship took place during the last four weeks. We managed to find an internship position for each participant according to their wishes. A majority of the participants have created positive relationships with potential employers, which could potentially pave the way for their professional future.

These 7 months of action were a time of intensive collaboration. The ISE team said goodbye to the participants on February 25, 2016. By then, 8 participants in the measure had already had employment. One participant was able to take up an intensive language course in Nuremberg. He will then start studying. We wish our participants much success in their job search. And of course, the ISE still offers graduates of the course the opportunity to continue to provide assistance with applications or to assist in establishing an employment relationship.