“It is not enough to speak to the matter. You have to speak to people.”

Stanislaw Jerzy Lec

Please also visit our nursing school
ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

ESF qualification creates the future!

Amberg, August 8, 2014. The two project supervisors Peter Blendowski and Roland Domogalla are pleased that, for the second time, long-term unemployed people have the opportunity to gain professional qualifications through the ESF project “Qualification to become a nursing assistant” in cooperation with the AM-AS job center in order to gain a foothold on the job market again. Since March 24, 2014, participants at the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center at Kaiser-Ludwig-Ring in Amberg have been learning relevant specialist theory from the career profile of geriatric nurses. By the end of the course on December 19, 2014, the participants will have completed two modules in the nursing area and one care module.

After each module, course participants receive a certificate of participation and a certificate that can be presented to future employers and certifies the qualifications they have achieved. There are currently 24 participants in the course.

For participant selection and the “get-to-know-you” interview, one or two course participants certainly went with mixed feelings to the educational provider ISE Language and Vocational Training Center, which is located in the post office building (entrance to the post office parking lot) in Amberg and has many years of experience in knowledge transfer and job placement. In the first few days, some participants certainly didn't dare to hope that learning could also be fun. In addition, several participants had good opportunities to realize how family, work and education could be combined or “reconciled” in a stress-free manner. After the first “sniff”, the participants were able to improve their key qualifications in the orientation phase with expert and experienced lecturers. Through skills training and application training with an introduction to IT, it soon became clear to all participants that the course would certainly be very personally beneficial. The participants were able to complete the first qualification module in the care area “Promoting and supporting older people in their mobility as part of self-care” at the beginning of June 2014. The project managers R. Domogalla and P. Blendowski, as well as the supervisor Andrea Gaßner, are pleased that 17 participants have successfully completed this qualification module with a certificate. Another two participants received a certificate of participation indicating the knowledge they had acquired in this module.

The second nursing qualification module has been on the program since July 7th, 2014. The content of this module is: “Supporting older people in their daily lives/care module”. For this purpose, the participants were able to take part in a first aid course. The participants are currently in the exam preparation phase. In the next few days there will be various theoretical proofs of performance in the subjects of nursing, law and ethics. Project work is also planned, followed by a presentation in German and communication. After this module, the participants will again receive positive feedback for their cooperation or their achievements in the form of a certificate. After successfully completing a subsequent three-week internship up to and including September 19, 2014, the course participants will also receive the coveted care certificate according to Section 87b SGB XI, which entitles them to work as a carer in nursing homes.

The project managers Peter Blendowski and Roland Domogalla hope that the women and men can secure a permanent place in the world of work in the long term through this qualification. “The measure in the care sector is certainly a unique opportunity for many to get fit for the job market,” says Roland Domogalla.

No two paths are the same - the ISE employees are aware of the individuality of each person and their life story. When planning and searching for an internship, personal characteristics, character strengths and preferences are taken into account wherever possible.

Participation in the training to become a nursing assistant is essentially free of charge. The project is supported by the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center and the AM-AS job center and is co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF). If you would like to take part, you can find out more information on the ISE website or contact the educational provider directly online at the email address info@ise-berufsbildung.de.

Important foundation for the labor market

The Bavarian Ministry of Labor is doing everything it can to keep the unemployment rate in Bavaria low and to actively counter the impending shortage of skilled workers. This is where the ESF comes into play. For over 50 years, as a so-called structural fund, it has ensured that the employment and work opportunities of people in Europe are improved. This makes the ESF the most important funding instrument of the European Union (EU) in the area of ​​labor market policy. Initiatives and projects are supported that improve the qualifications of long-term unemployed people and employees and create additional training positions. The ESF also supports projects that increase equal opportunities, strengthen social inclusion and promote entrepreneurship while expanding cross-border employment. From 2007 to 2013, Bavaria invested around 630 million euros in sustainable qualification and labor market projects. Half of this, around 310 million euros, is co-financed by the ESF. Further information at www.esf.bayern.de.

Get involved: The ESF in Bavaria

Anyone who would like to actively shape the promotion of the labor market in Bavaria can apply for ESF funding for their project idea for the current funding period. Applications for the current funding period are still possible until the beginning of 2015. Institutions for general and vocational training, such as educational institutions, universities, adult education centers and private educational institutions, can find information on application modalities and contact persons on the Internet, as can small and medium-sized companies. Non-governmental organizations and social partners such as trade unions, welfare associations, works councils, industrial and professional associations can also find further information and advice at www.esf.bayern.de.