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ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Successful accounting professionals set new standards

Done! 15 women and two men underwent a commercial qualification course at ISE. Manfred Tröppl, office manager of the Federal Employment Agency in Amberg (back row, left), whose house sponsored the educational measure, also congratulated. Image: Uschald

On the mountain. (usc) 15 women and two men were able to receive the “Accounting Specialist CDT” certificate after a seven-month commercial qualification course. You are now comfortable with Lexware, DATEV and SAP R/3. Thanks to the measure funded by the employment agency at the language and vocational training center ISE Amberg, eight of the participants already have a job or a permanent job.

The journey through accounting with course leader Angela Scheibeck was for some a refresher, for example after a long maternity leave, for others it was completely new territory. Some of the course participants got to know new programs. ISE Managing Director Peter Blendowski is convinced that the good references will certainly provide a solid basis for a successful application.

The course graduates are now proficient in general accounting and practical implementation with DATEV and Lexware. This also applies to payroll accounting, cost and performance accounting and financial accounting with SAP ERP Financials.

Manfred Tröppl, branch manager of the Federal Employment Agency in Amberg, congratulated the group of 17 on their successful completion and expressed his appreciation for the qualification they had acquired. It was sometimes difficult for women to balance family and care. There is currently a lot of dynamism in the regional labor market, including in the commercial sector, reported Tröppl. He also referred to the possibility of the employment agency promoting further qualification for employees of smaller companies according to the WeGebAU program and, on a case-by-case basis, even taking over the continued payment of wages and the course fee. The abbreviation stands for the funding offer “Further training for low-skilled and employed older workers in companies”.

ISE managing director Blendowski referred to the internal offer of help with job searches, which Helmut Albrecht takes care of at ISE.

For the article
Hubert Uschald