“You often see something a hundred times, a thousand times, before you really see it for the very first time.”

Christian Morgenstern

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ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Opportunity for older people to celebrate course completion with enthusiasm and a focus on work

Opportunity, enthusiasm, focus... Many people have asked themselves what this is all about. These are measures primarily to impart specialist skills and to train practice-oriented key qualifications. On July 19th, 2013 and July 22nd, 2013 the participants were pleased to receive their certificates.

Nine months seemed like a long time when the measures began in October 2012. In the end, however, there were many successes.

The participants learned that it is definitely worth fighting against personal obstacles and taking action on their own initiative. The ability for active self- and health management was also taught. Participants are welcome to: For example, healthy and delicious food is prepared under expert guidance. Terms such as carbohydrates, trace elements and cholesterol were explained. Many course participants will certainly pay more attention to conscious nutrition in the future. Teaching units were also dedicated to fitness and exercise, which some participants clearly enjoyed.

The support staff and teachers at the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center in Amberg and Sulzbach-Rosenberg are pleased with the positive results and wish the participants all the best for the future – professionally and privately.

Conclusion: In the measures “Opportunities for older people”, “Doing it with enthusiasm” and “Focus on career” there are references to starting work, other participants have had the courage to change and have started a qualification in nursing or are starting one in the new school year Training in geriatric care or seeking retraining to become a warehouse logistics specialist.

Last but not least, we quote the participant Stika Lengard, who said: “When it is at its best, then the time is over.”

Katharina Kruckenberger
ISE project manager of the measures

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