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Accounting specialists impress with excellent qualifications

A very happy event, especially in view of the predominantly excellent examination results, was the awarding of the final certificates in the qualification “Accounting Specialist CDT with Business English”, which was held in Amberg through the cooperation of the educational providers ISE Language and Vocational Training Center and CDT Nuremberg at Kaiser-Ludwig -Ring 9 took place. During the commercial qualification, the participants were trained very intensively in the disciplines of accounting, IT and especially SAP. In addition, the prospective accounting specialists recorded all typical business cases in financial accounting using the industry software Lexware and DATEV. With the coveted SAP user certificate and the ISE/CDT certificate, participants receive further proof of qualification for their application documents. Specialist qualifications pay off - also on the job market. The presentation of certificates to the 21 people in the premises of the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center was a very appropriate occasion for the ISE management - represented by Peter Blendowski - and for the ISE specialist lecturer and course leader Angela Scheibeck, to celebrate the good to very good achievements of the participants and to express great praise to the students for their great hard work and perseverance. Over 90 percent of the participants achieved very good to good performance results. In addition to the good references, ISE internship supervisor and employment agent Helmut Albrecht was also pleased about the good response on the job market, as ten of the participants have already been able to sign an employment contract. Some other participants have a good chance of finding a job in the next few weeks. The ISE Language and Vocational Training Center will continue to provide help and advice when looking for a job.

The course, which was attended predominantly by women and financed by the Amberg and Sulzbach-Rosenberg employment agency through educational vouchers, also offered the opportunity to gain advanced language skills in business English. The modular part-time course certainly helped to increase the self-confidence of some participants. Initial concerns and mixed feelings about taking part in the qualification were soon a thing of the past. It soon became apparent that intensive learning was possible with the relatively large group in the familiar teaching atmosphere. Lecturer A. Scheibeck was happy to forego the occasional break in order to adequately answer some specific questions. The good discipline of the participants, who followed the course of the lesson with great concentration and completed the many tasks correctly without complaining, is also very commendable.

With joy in learning success, a good course atmosphere and also with wit and humor, the specified milestones of the professional qualification to become a CDT accounting specialist were achieved with Lexware, DATEV, SAP R/3 and business English.

The participants from Amberg and the Amberg-Sulzbach district fought their way through the material with great endurance, talent, hard work and passion. Also worth mentioning was the strong willingness to help among the participants. People were happy to help their neighbors if they didn't know what to do.

Towards the end of the qualification, the participants were able to prove themselves in a company internship. Suggestions could be made to the ISE internship supervisor Helmut Albrecht as to which company they would like to complete the practical part of the qualification in. H. Albrecht took enough time in individual discussions to take the personal interests of the participants into account. Due to the high level of commitment of the participants and the good specialist knowledge, the ISE received very positive feedback from the internship companies, which is certainly not a given.

Accounting specialists are employed in companies in various sectors of the economy, i.e. in industry as well as in trade, as well as in the service sector and crafts. Specialists in finance and payroll accounting are in demand in the economy. Now graduates have the opportunity to work in a broad and responsible manner in the accounting field. The degree also offers an excellent prerequisite for further training to become an accountant.