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“Don’t waste time unnecessarily during integration”

The head of the Amberg-Sulzbach job center, Sonja Schleicher (center), was surprised at the German language skills that the predominantly young course participants had already acquired while attending the class. Image: Uschald PR

On the mountain. (usc) “We must not waste time unnecessarily in integrating refugees.” The head of the Amberg-Sulzbach job center, Sonja Schleicher, emphasized this during a visit to the ISE education center. A two-month bridging measure was run there to impart basic knowledge of German to predominantly young refugees.

Not for the first time, Sonja Schleicher and Rainer Liermann from the job center were surprised by the amazing language skills the course participants had already acquired. In just eight weeks of a basic course, the refugees at ISE were able to acquire an amazingly broad vocabulary. This was confirmed by the visitors' participation in the lessons.

According to Sonja Schleicher, this is all the more surprising since there were also illiterate people among the participants. Learning the Latin script was the first hurdle that had to be overcome for most of the training participants. The predominantly young refugees between the ages of 20 and 25, mainly from Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan, showed great enthusiasm, according to their course leader Stefan Deckert.

Familiarized with the ABC, the course participants gradually acquired basic knowledge of the German vocabulary. The rapid progress, according to the guests from the job center, was probably due to the motivation and enthusiasm of the course leader, who also acted as the group's social-educational supervisor. According to ISE managing director Peter Blendowski, most course participants have not undergone vocational training in their country of origin. According to their own statements, they now want to complete this in Germany.

The head of the job center, Sonja Schleicher (left), encouraged the participants in the bridging course at the ISE education center. This will be followed by another German course. Image: Uschald PR

The job center supported and financed this course as a bridging measure until the residence permit was issued. “The job center became active without it having to,” reported Sonja Schleicher. “We didn’t want to waste time unnecessarily, but instead wanted to capture people’s undoubtedly existing motivation.” This could shorten follow-up measures. And very important: “No money is wasted,” emphasized Schleicher.

According to ISE managing director Peter Blendowski, the course concluded with a knowledge test, which now makes targeted further training possible for the refugees.

By Hubert Uschald

Course leader Stefan Deckert helped the participants in the advanced German course to develop basic vocabulary. Image: Uschald PR